A change of season...
June 21, 2009, 1:38 pm
...and a new residence for our Night Rhythms blog.
Please click here: http://catherinemichaelsnightrhythms.blogspot.com
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” ~Albert Einstein
Billy Joel's song that ends in two-wheeled travel fits in this moment:
Happy Father's Day and a memorable, relaxing and prosperous summer to you!
by CatherineM in General
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"Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache..."
June 13, 2009, 3:59 am
"...you won't be able to find it, but when your heart is ready, peace will
come looking for you." ~Ajahn Chah
As mentioned on the air tonight, I encountered a turtle today--and he/she
definitely didn't have a mustache.
Peace to you in your weekend...
In our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight this week, we met E'lissa Jones.
Her latest album is titled Anymore, and the song we listened to
is called Write Me A Letter. Find E'lissa's music and gig schedule
at www.elissajones.com or www.myspace.com/elissajones.
Among the upcoming shows, she'll be at Warwick Valley Winery on July 4th from 2-5pm.
This Sunday is Flag Day, a tradition that began with teachers...
It's a bummer to not be able to post pictures in this blog
anymore, so we'll be moving soon!
In the meantime, a favorite song from Filter:
Slow and steady,
by CatherineM in General , 1 Trackbacks
June 6, 2009, 3:36 am
There's no end to interesting words found on the world wide watering hole...
The cloud struggled
against the sand
underneath the rain
of “no” and “yes”,
forcefully treading
on the rationale
that obeys
the impasse of “maybe”. ~Dimitris P. Kraniotis
Hope you find possibilities in your weekend.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Amaya Demont
and heard her song Jaded. Amaya is working on her debut record
and you can check out her songs and learn more about her at:
This weekend we're celebrating the 400th anniversary of our magnificent
state, with a parade of vessels www.hvpress.net/news/125/ARTICLE/7115/2009-06-06.html
Congratulations to honoree, Pete Seeger!
He's asking you to sing along with this one...
Sail & sing,
by CatherineM in General
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Girls walking for Breast Cancer
June 4, 2009, 1:56 am
How's your first week of June going? So much happening this weekend...including the Long Island 2-Day Walk to Fight Breast Cancer and my friend Kim is getting ready for her 35 mile journey. Go Aunt Kimmy, go! As mentioned on the air tonight, Jeanelle and her Team Magenta pals: Judy, Jenn, Joanne, Lizsandra & Laura are getting ready for their 2-Day walk in the fall. You can support their efforts just stopping by Screamin' Parties in West Nyack, this Saturday from 6:30-9:00pm. The cost is $20/child and part of the entrance fee plus all of the sales will be donated to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. Contact Team Magenta at screaminparties@themagentas.com. In the spirit of walking... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUE0r3fsWdg Peace in pink, Catherine
by CatherineM in General
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A horse with a name...
May 30, 2009, 2:30 am
...and his name is Red. An e-mail from our friend Frank at Equine Angels Rescue
Sanctuary in Connecticut, brought to light the predicament of Red.
Check it out at: www.EquineAngels.blogspot.com
Isn't he gorgeous? Love and good health to Red, and belated Happy
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met George Hendrickson,
who shared that in addition to creating music, he's a nurse, avid runner
and fisherman--who has done some deep sea fishing.
The title of his new EP is The Eye of the Fisherman, and the
song we listened to is called Extraordinary Dream.
Hear George's music and learn more about him at www.g-hendrickson.com.
A search for a song that's believed to include the lyric, "once in a lullabye,"
brought up the obvious: Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Still haven't found the correct song, but this Eric Clapton jam
is better than a pot o' gold...
Slow and colorful,
by CatherineM in General
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"Goals shape the present, not the future..."
May 23, 2009, 2:23 am
...says a wise friend, Derek. Check out his blog, read his success story, and
be inspired by his insight. http://sivers.org/blog
This week was a reminder of an experience about 12 years ago,
at a Tibet Freedom Fest on Randall's Island. The music and
people were great, but the part that stands out in my mind is the meditation
tent. Inside, were a group of monks making this beautiful sand mandala--
if you can imagine an intricate picture created on a table with different
colored sand. It was rhythmic, as they moved around the table, working
with the sand, the tools used had a neat sound. When they were finished,
they blew it away to symbolize the impermanence of life.
There are indeed beautiful things we have to let go of, with the faith
that we will continue to find beauty.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Daniel Strider.
The song we heard is called Sunsets and Souvenirs, from his
soon to be released EP of the same title. Check out Daniel's music
and learn more about him at www.myspace.com/danielstrider.
If you missed our Night Rhythms Live Beat last Friday, our WHUD
airwaves were graced by the harmony of Kathleen Pemble and Cold Spring
theband. (that's one word, intentionally: theband) It's been a challenging
week for blogging, and there are pictures of Kathleen & friends in the
studio forthcoming. You can check out the podcast here:
Find out where they are performing next at www.kathleenpemble.com.
As we remember all Americans who have given their lives in service to
our country this Memorial Day weekend, we can also connect with and support
soldiers who are on the front lines: www.ourmilitary.mil. Click
the link that says America Supports You Homefront Groups.
Looking forward to the day you're home...
You've been hearing this Mercyme song on WHUD, thought you might want to see
the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zI3lXSOt3c
Weekend bliss,
by CatherineM in General
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The Bionic blog...
May 21, 2009, 10:28 am
Did I mention I LOVE GOOGLE!
If Google were 3-D, I'd hug it! It is because of Google that I
am able to restore my blog. If you didn't already know this,
they maintain copies of web pages in their cache, so
just when you may think all is lost, it's really just parked at
Google on the world-wide-wonderful.
Some of the photos are unlikely to be restored...but this is progress.
Not sure if this blog will be "better, stronger, faster, more..." but it will be restored. Stay tuned...
You can make music right now...
May 9, 2009, 7:50 pm
...wherever you may be sitting and reading this. You are surrounded by objects
that can be musical. Who doesn't love the rhythm of typing?
Building musical instruments from recycled materials or found objects is
the idea behind Bash the Trash. Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight
we met Carina Piaggio, one of the teaching artists who creates and performs
with instruments made from trash. Carina is also a coreographer and she shared
that Bash the Trash merges art forms, like creating artworks from recycled and
reused materials as well. Her husband John founded the group and has composed
unique music and collaborated with symphony orchestras and other
musicians in raising environmental awareness through various school and
event programs. Learn more at http://www.bashthetrash.com/ and
come to Mamapalooza 2009 next Saturday to make your own instrument
and perform with Bash the Trash. (They're even planning a parade : )
If you missed the interview and piece we aired, check back for the podcast.
Happy Mother's Day to *my mom* and all of our WHUD mothers.
Some words from last night:
Everything in nature bespeaks the mother.
The sun is the mother of the earth and gives it its nourishment of heat;
it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep
to the song of the sea and the hymn of the birds and brooks.
And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers.
It produces them, nurses them, and weans them.
The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds.
And the mother, the prototype of all existence, is the eternal spirit,
full of beauty and love.
Learning about Bash the Trash reminded me of playing songs on
the swingset with my forever friend/sister Karen, when we were about
4 years old. It was a pretty rockin' time!
This may be one of your favorite Tarzan moments too...
by Catherine Michaels in General
Help Ally from Port Chester get published :-)
May 8, 2009, 1:48 am
Tonight we heard from Ally Del Monte from Port Chester, who is 10 years old and has
written a book she's hoping to get published. It's called Lilly's Story and it's about
a dog's journey to find her forever home.
Ally is in the running to win money to fund the publishing costs:
You can simply vote to help her win. Read more about Ally's
motivation for the project at http://www.lillysstory.com/.
Good luck Ally!
Kids make the world go 'round,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Love for our teachers...
May 6, 2009, 1:26 am
If you were tuned in tonight, you probably heard Rikki in Yorktown
dedicate a song to honor educators because it's Teacher Appreciation Week!
Is there a teacher who was pivotal in your life? As I mentioned on the air,
my sixth grade teacher, Mr. Vercillo, was someone who put his heart
and soul into teaching. He was the kind of teacher who imparted the
wisdom of believing in yourself. We exchange Christmas cards, and I hope to have
lunch with him someday soon.
I also remember fondly my Kindergarten teacher, Sheila Sustrin, who along
with her twin sister Letty, is now retired from teaching but writing books for children!
I had the great pleasure of interviewing them a few years ago, when their first
story arrived: The Teacher Who Would Not Retire. Their character is
the lovely Mrs. Belle, who likes to wear ballet slippers. In her last adventure
she went to camp, and in the new book Mrs. Belle taps into her inner
astronomer: The Teacher Who Would Not Retire Discovers a New Planet.
If you're on Long Island, 'The Sustrins,' as we referred to them in the days when
they taught in neighboring classrooms, will be reading and signing copies of their
book at Borders in Bohemia (on Sunrise Highway) on Saturday, May 16th @ 1pm.
Here's a link to their books: www.bluemarlinpubs.com/Page21%20-%20(Teacher%20Catalog).html
Here's a cool spin on a familiar tune...sing!
Music is home,
by Catherine Michaels in General
It began with a pencil...
May 2, 2009, 1:21 am
Do you love the Empire State Building, too? Did you know the design idea
was inspired by a pencil? Its construction began during The Great Depression--
ambitious and inspiring as we enjoy it's light and place in the panorama of
the New York City skyline. It was on May 1, 1931, that President Hoover pressed
a button in Washington, D.C. that turned on the lights and officially opened
the Empire State Building. If you've ever peered down an avenue from somewhere
near it, you may agree its appearance is quite majestic. In its own way, a lighthouse
and guide for travelers. According to the lighting schedule, it marks its 78th year
bathed in white light. Perfect! Looks pretty groovy in daylight too.
can't remember exactly where I was standing for this shot, but you get the
pencil concept, right?
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Wendy Wall.
Hope you enjoyed hearing her song Coming to Light, from
her new record: The Road to Paradise. Wendy has a show at
Rockwood Music Hall in Manhattan on Wednesday, May 6th @ 7pm,
and she'll be featured on Poughkeepsie Live TV next Thursday,
May 7th @ 7pm. Find out more at http://www.wendywall.net/.
One of the humorous highlights of my week was discovering the ability
to change your Facebook language to "pirate English." Have you tried it?
If you had to sail through the rest of your days without going online,
could you survive? Jimmy Buffett could...
Peace to yer home port me hearties,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Songs and paws are beautiful...
April 25, 2009, 2:46 pm
...and several dog lovers we met today said their pals love music!
If you were tuned in for our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight last night,
you heard Marion LoGuidice singing My Song, from her album
titled God's House, a stirring collection of songs.
If you missed it, check back for the podcast www.whud.com/artist_spotlight/index.php.
Marion will be performing at Joe's Pub on Lafayette in NYC on
Friday, July 17th @ 7:30pm. Learn more about Marion at http://www.marionsmusic.com/.
What a glorious day it was today, at the SPCA of Westchester's
Wags & Whiskers Walk-a-thon and Pet Fair. Thanks to everyone who
stopped by our WHUD gazebo @ FDR Park with their furry pals!
I guess I would have to say one of the most interesting dog names
was that of Elphaba, named for the Broadway show Wicked, of course.
We also met Bocker, a Labradoodle who not only models for Tommy Hilfiger
and Ralph Lauren (and many more clients) but is a therapy dog as well.
Check out superstar Bocker at http://www.bocker.tv/.
How fun is that Bocker mambo tune at his site? Go Bocker!
We even had a prestigious canine in attendance, who did the official rawhide ribbon cutting...
Seamus Clinton! Seamus is a gorgeous chocolate Lab who lives in Chappaqua
with former President, Bill Clinton and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. He visited with his handler, Oscar Flores, and set in motion the fantastic procession of dogs of numerous
breeds and sizes, alongside their human friends. Hope to see you there next year.
If you're thinking of welcoming unconditional love into your home, please
visit the SPCA of Westchester in Briarcliff Manor or swing by online,
http://www.spca914.org/. You can also click the "adopt a pet" button
here at http://www.whud.com/. My pal Hennessey is a 3-year-old
Hound/Boxer mix, among the sweethearts ready for a permanent home...
The SPCA of Westchester is offering FREE dog education
workshops where you can learn about dog management, house training,
nutrition & understanding your dog/body language--even ask questions--
Saturdays, May 2nd & 9th from 11am-noon. Call (914) 941-2896 x11 for details.
What a day...beautiful weather and friends--let's Shambala with Three Dog Night!
Sweet sunshine to you,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Flowers, kids and Marc Von Em live!
April 19, 2009, 11:34 am
Did you have holiday visitors? This week for me, flew by faster than Superman on his
way to a rescue. My parents were up from Florida, and I have
to say THANKS for the flowers! Can't wait for the rose bushes to bloom...
Yesterday was our 14th Annual WHUD Kids Fair at the Westchester County Center
in White Plains, and it was fantastic to meet some of our youngest listeners--like
Miles from Peekskill, who loves Frankie Lymon:
Goody, goody is a fine way to describe the fun at the Kids Fair--hope to see
you there next year!
My thanks to our WHUD Program Director, Steve Petrone for the opportunity
to add a live performance by local artists to our Night Rhythms repertoire.
Once per month, our usual Friday night artist spotlight will be a live in-studio
performance from an artist we've featured, and we're calling it
our Night Rhythms Live Beat.
We launched on Friday night with the phenomenal Marc Von Em. If you've
heard him at The Peekskill Coffeehouse or elsewhere around town, you
know he's a brilliant live performer. Tonight he's at 12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar
in Peekskill among the songwriters featured, that's underway @ 6pm.
Tune in or set your DVR's for the Ellen DeGeneres show on Thursday, May 21st!
Marc will be on with Rob Thomas, and will be touring with him (again) this fall.
Aren't you excited to hear new RT music?
Marc regaled us Friday night with 3 of his stellar songs: Home, Brush it Off and
Hometown. The first two are included on his latest album, Marc Von Em Live
at Rockwood Music Hall. That's a venue in Manhattan worth the trip if you
haven't visited yet. Hometown will be on his upcoming record (release date TBA)
and it's a song he wrote as a tribute to The Peekskill Coffeehouse, but
it's really one that anyone, anywhere can relate to...we all have places where that
familiar vibe just makes us feel at ease or elated, right? Learn more about Marc
and find out where he's performing at http://www.marcvonem.com/.
Wish we had time on-air for more of Marc's tunes...here's another one from a recent performance
at The Living Room in NYC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzoxUSk6Iis
Live music is where it's at,
P.S. Had a great time in San Francisco last week, especially returning to the lovely
Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. My fortune said,
"You will make change for the better."
by Catherine Michaels in General
The Wave Organ...
April 8, 2009, 1:05 am
...is one of my favorite things in San Francisco and is truly
as cool as it sounds. Waves making music? You bet!
Check it out:
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we welcomed back
Lizzie and Marlowe, a.k.a. The Swingset Mamas.
They created a fun video for their song Take a Walk in Someone
Else's Shoes, and it's featured at the Five For Fighting website
where every view of it raises money for Autism Speaks.
Click here: www.whatkindofworlddoyouwant.com/videos/view/id/1569537
You just might be singing this song for a few days, it's a catchy tune!
Find out what The Swingset Mamas are up to at http://www.swingsetmamas.com/.
Hope you enjoy your Passover and Easter holidays.
If you're headed to the City by the Bay (where Tony Bennett
left his heart) I'll meet you at the Wave Organ.
You might love this version of a classic too...
Smile & sing along,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Fireflies in the Garden
April 4, 2009, 4:17 pm
That's the title of a Robert Frost poem:
Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
It's National Poetry Month and April 30th is 'poem in your pocket day,'
but why not find a favorite now and carry it around with you?
Share if you like, cmichaels@pamal.com.
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we caught up
with Art Halperin and heard the song Sha La La La, from
his band Work of Art. The album is titled Waves and has a great
Reggae vibe for your ears and spirit. Check out Art's many projects
and his studio in Yorktown @ http://www.workofartmusic.com/.
Are you a fan of long shots and underdogs? Me too.
Let's hope Villanova takes the NCAA basketball title!
I hope you're looking forward to the approaching week as
much as I am...
Live now,
by Catherine Michaels in General
World Autism Awareness Day...
April 2, 2009, 1:34 pm
...is today! Check out what's happening at http://www.autismspeaks.org/.
Our friends Lizzie & Marlowe, a.k.a. The Swingset Mamas (whom you may
remember from Mamapalooza last year) have recorded a cool song and video
to help raise money for Autism Speaks. Five For Fighting has been behind this
effort and the video is posted at their site, where each time you view a video
money is donated:
Blissful day,
P.S. The crocuses are bloomin'!
by Catherine Michaels in General
April 2, 2009, 1:03 am
That's the name of the event you may have heard Melanie Disa talk about tonight.
It's a concert fundraiser this Saturday, April 4th from Noon to 6pm
at the Monroe United Methodist Church in Monroe. Music, light refreshment--
including the legendary empanadas made in Monroe, and silent auction fun
can be expected. 100% of the ticket sales goes to the organization
People to People and will help fund MWHS freshman, Nick Czarniawski's
ambassadorship to China this summer.
Find out more at www.myspace.com/melaniedisa
or you can e-mail her directly at melaniedisa@yahoo.com.
The event will also benefit the Monroe Food Pantry, so
please bring dry or canned goods to the show if you're attending.
Hope you have a fantastic trip, Nick!
Noticing the hopeful is nice,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"The world is a rose..."
March 28, 2009, 2:09 am
"...smell it and pass it to your friends." That's a Persian proverb that
smiled it's way into my field of view today. Tonight, for the first
time this year, the chorus of spring peepers was in abundance when
I arrived home and the first bloom in my garden revealed itself too--
it's really spring!
In our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Greg, the lead singer and keyboard
player from the band Start At Capital. We heard the song The End,
from their self-titled EP. Check out more of Start At Capital's songs at
www.myspace.com/startatcapital. Greg mentioned that he plans
to share his love of music by becoming a teacher some day. At the moment,
he's on the other side of the classroom equation along with bandmates Steve,
Kyle and Paul, who are in tenth grade in Washingtonville. Keep an eye out
for them at a 'battle of the bands' near you.
As mentioned in a previous post, Kevin from Shelton, CT became a
St. Baldrick's Day shavee recently with his son who is also Kevin and his
pals Mark & Mike--check out their happy faces:
You may have heard the news that Dan Seals of the dynamic duo
England Dan & John Ford Coley, departed for Rock & Roll Heaven this week.
Here's a piece of his music legacy...
Music & friendship,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Show some love for our Earth this Saturday night...
March 25, 2009, 2:25 pm
Have you heard about Earth Hour? It's a global sort of event this approaching
Saturday when people in homes and buildings all over the planet are turning
off the lights for an hour to acknowledge climate change and the need
for awareness and doing our part to lessen our individual carbon
footprints. (that was a really long sentence, huh? )
Even the Empire State Building and UN Headquarters will
be powering down for Earth Hour. So, at 8:30pm, join the global
fun and turn your lights off for an hour.
(Everyone looks gorgeous by candlelight)
Here's the link if you'd like to find out more:
Somehow, U2 always seems to have the right idea...
The power our planet needs most is music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Wilbur Buds &a
mp; Whoopie Pies
March 22, 2009, 12:04 pm
If you're going to break a fast from chocolate, it's good to have a friend
from Pennsylvania visiting. Thanks, Darlene!
Wilbur Buds are just amazing little morsels of chocolate that sort of
melt in your mouth like pudding. Here's the history and there are some
scrumptious sounding recipes at their website: www.wilburbuds.com/docs/history.html
Whoopie pies are a Pennsylvania Amish delight--how can you go wrong
with a chocolate cake and cream sandwich?
(photo by Mary Ellen Bartley)
The treadmill is calling my name...
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Nicola and listened
to her song Crazy, from the album Don't Take It Personally. If you missed
the interview, check back here www.whud.com/artist_spotlight/index.php
for the podcast and song. There's a track called Combustible on the album
that may give you spring fever.
Hear more music and find out where she's live @ http://www.nicolanicola.com/
or www.myspace.com/nicola.
Nicola is hosting and performing in the Emerging Artist Series @ Bodles Opera House
in Chester that begins April 3rd, here's the line up:
4/3 Dorian Spencer & Susan Enan
5/8 Avenue B & Debbie Deane
6/12 Elza & The Guggenheim Grotto
More details at http://www.bodles.com/.
Hope your first weekend of spring has been sweet so far.
How delicious is this Flashback Weekend on WHUD?
This may be one of your 80's favorites too:
Music is in the recipe for happiness,
by Catherine Michaels in General
March 20, 2009, 11:17 am
Andrea called last night to invite singles to The Bird and Bottle Inn
in Garrison. It's a social and networking event tonight and there
are more opportunities in the months ahead if you can't make it tonight:
Watch for outside events as the weather warms up!
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
June 19th
July 17th
A bit of history from their website:
Originally known as Warren's Tavern, the property was a stagecoach stop along the New York-Albany Post Road, now Route 9 in Garrison, New York, and catered to those journeying between Albany and New York City.
The tavern survived until travelers began to favor the steamboats on the Hudson River rather than bumpy stagecoaches on dusty roads.
More info. at http://www.thebirdandbottleinn.com/.
Spring love,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Shamrock Shakes!
March 18, 2009, 1:09 am
Forgot to mention this on air tonight, but have to share...
Back in my high school marching band days, the St. Patrick's
Day parade route in my hometown ended right near a McDonald's.
As you would imagine, that was the post-marching place to congregate
and it was before they phased out Shamrock Shakes from the menu in New York.
If you've ever had one, you know what an unforgettable experience
a Shamrock Shake is. There are plenty of videos about Shamrock
Shake quests and even online petitions to bring it back.
Here's an old commercial that's pretty amusing:
Also found this recipe that claims to replicate the taste of the illustrious shake...
2 cups vanilla ice cream or soy ice cream
1 1/4 cups 2% low-fat milk or soymilk
1/4 teaspoon mint extract
8 drops green food coloring
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth.
Stop blender to stir with a spoon if necessary to help blend ice cream.
Pour into 12-ounce cups and serve each with a straw.
If you decide to give the recipe a whirl, let me know how it turns out!
Sláinte chugat,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"Soft words butter no parsnips...
March 14, 2009, 2:40 pm
...but they won't harden the heart of the cabbage either." Gotta love Irish proverbs.
Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day celebrations!
My pal Jacob said he's having a 'green picnic' serving
pickles, cucumbers, grapes, pears and broccoli.
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jen Clapp and listened
to the illuminating song Lonesome Sunbeam, from her album of the same title.
Jen mentioned that she has songwriting workshops for teens and you
can be in touch, plus find out where her upcoming performances are
and hear more music at http://www.jenclapp.com/ or visit her
space at www.myspace.com/jenclapp. If Brooklyn is where
you find yourself this Monday night, Jen performs at Union Hall -
Brooklyn Songwriters Exchange 702 Union St. at 5th Ave. in Park Slope.
Did you know the most leaflets found on a clover, recorded by the
Guinness World Records is 21? Can you find any with more than 3 here?
According to The Cranberries site, Dolores O'Riordan is releasing a solo album
this May, and she says a Cranberries reunion is "...definitely down the road..."
Let's hope sooner than later, but here's an emerald from their collection of gems:
Wishing you a rainbow,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Anders Holst for the Cure
March 13, 2009, 1:19 pm
If you were tuned in last night, thank you! We met Stockholm native, and
NYC based singer/songwriter Anders Holst. His latest recording is titled Romantika,
and includes a new spin on the Billy Joel tune All About Soul. If you missed
what Anders had to say about recording the song, check out the podcast.
Anders is giving fans the opportunity to "download and donate,"
with all of the proceeds from the iTunes download through March 31st
of All About Soul going to the Greater NYC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen For The Cure.
Anders shared that two of his lifelong friends are Breast Cancer survivors,
and inspired him to take action with his music.
It's as easy as searching for Anders Holst on iTunes, or visit
While you're at the site, check out his original songs.
Here's one called Love Me Like a River:
Check out the latest news in the quest for making Breast Cancer
a distant memory and join the global movement at http://www.komen.org/.
Love looks good in pink,
P.S.--If you're curious about the Swedish island Gotland, that
we mentioned in the interview, visit http://www.gotland.net/.
It's a magical place to spend a summer...
by Catherine Michaels in General
The little green book of ideas
March 7, 2009, 12:43 pm
As we all figure out ways to save money but still enjoy life, this little $1 find
at the craft store (maybe it's a sort of nirvana for you too) is what
I'm calling 'the little green book of ideas.' On page one is written: 60 degrees,
open the windows! The birds are singing, the squirrels zigging and zagging...it's
a glorious weekend to push the clocks ahead an hour and experience more daylight.
As promised, the story behind the previous posting of the Tom Jones video is that
a few years ago, there was an open casting call for Hairspray on Broadway.
Perhaps a combination of the spirit of my college roommate, Jody who was
a theatre major, and having the day off, I decided to make my day fun.
Always a fan of shows, even dreamed of an ensemble part at a Met opera
just to be on that incredible stage, I thought, "what have you got to lose?"
Sans professional picture, and a "resume" of what I thought was related
experience, I joined the line...that wrapped around the block somewhere
in Manhattan. Audition lesson: if you want to be taken seriously, take it seriously.
Well, I sang It's Not Unusual as an audition, and if I say it was dreadful, that
would be an understatement. Once I heard the other pros singing, I realized
how 'in over my head' I was. But, I met some nice people waiting in line,
and can check "auditioning for a Broadway show" off my bucket list.
(won't be doing it again)
Speaking of green and auditions, Marissa O'Donnell had success in both cases.
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we caught up with Marissa,
who is now starring as Teen Fiona in Shrek The Musical, on Broadway!
IMHO, Marissa will one day win a Tony Award...maybe 3, and she's only
in her freshman year of high school. Learn more about this local rising
star at http://www.marissa-odonnell.com/
The song we listened to is I Know It's Today, from the original cast
recording of Shrek The Musical, which arrives at your favorite
place for music consumption on March 24th. Details about the show at:
If you missed the interview and song, check back for the podcast some time next week.
You'll also be able to listen to the Bereznak Brothers Band chat from last Friday night.
The purpose of the little green book of ideas is to grow, so if you've got an idea,
please share by e-mailing me at cmichaels@pamal.com.
There's always a song that seems to go with the plan...thanks, Derek & The Dominos!
Hope there's music in your garden,
by Catherine Michaels in General
A family in need...
March 7, 2009, 2:03 am
Francine called tonight hoping we would pass this along, found on
craiglist at http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/fuo/1063677139.html
family in dire need please help (milton)
Reply to: sale-qx3rk-1063677139@craigslist.org Date: 2009-03-06, 7:19PM EST
We recently lost our home to a house fire. We are living in a 1 bd w a loft apt in milton. We are in need of the following things:
A queen size mattress w/w/o box spring
A Couch and Chair
misc kitchen and household items.
I am a recovering brain cancer patient who also suffers from Chiari Malformation which is a rare brain disorder. I have had 2 surgeries and am having my 3rd next month. My husband had to take a leave of absence to stay and care for me and my 2 children as my quality of life has gone down hill. If anyone can please help us that would be great.
These are challenging times, but if the items needed are what you have to
donate, you'll make a difference in the life of a struggling family.
by Catherine Michaels in General
Hats off to Kevin the shavee!
March 6, 2009, 3:07 am
Yes, there is such a word as shavee.
Kevin from Shelton, CT called tonight and mentioned
that included in his weekend plans is supporting St. Baldrick's Foundation by
shaving off his hair to help raise money for the beautiful and brave children facing
childhood Cancer. Check it out or get involved at http://www.stbaldricks.org/.
An excerpt from the site:
In case you're wondering, "St. Baldrick" is merely a fictional character
- a morphing of "St Patrick's&q
uot; (the day the event was born), and "bald."
There is no real saint, but we do have a mascot, Lucky the Leprechaun!
If Kevin sends pictures, we'll post them here so stay tuned!
Our Friday night has some "green" in it, and you'll find out why in a few hours.
Here's a song that's related, on a personal level and the reason
to be revealed in the next post.
Keep snappin',
by Catherine Michaels in General
Still winter. Got sneakers?
March 1, 2009, 2:11 pm
It seems mother nature has decided our surroundings look good in white.
Be safe on the roads. Maya Angelou said something funny about snow, which probably
sums things up quite well if you were thinking we were done with winter:
"Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes,
that's tough. I am going to snow anyway."”
Since we're on the topic of shoes, my thanks to Patty, who is a VA Community Team Leader
for Soldier's Angels. She brought to light the need of wounded veterans in our community for sneakers, to help in the rehabilitation process. Here's more from her e-mail:
The veterans who are hospitalized at Montrose or Castle Point VA Centers
need hygiene supplies and clothing such as t-shirts, socks, shoes, etc.
The VA centers welcome people and organizations that will do
recreational activities with the veterans, just contact the Volunteer Office at either place.
There are so many needs for each veteran and their families.
From a card to a helping hand is needed for each. Some of the veterans are young,
some are old. Some are men and some are women. Some have been in a war,
some have been in a conflict, and all have served their country in different
places and in different ways.
Find information about supporting the VA Centers in our area at http://www.volunteer.va.gov/.
Learn more about Patty's group of heavenly pals at http://www.soldiersangels.org/
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Michael and David, twin
brothers, who perform as The Bereznak Brothers Band. The rockin' song we listened to is
called Car Show, which kind of takes you to the warmer weather, doesn't it?
Their new album is titled All Things in Time and a CD release party is in the works.
The Bereznak Brothers Band will headline The Towne Crier in Pawling on Friday,
May 15th. Check out their website for more live dates and to hear more music at
http://www.3bband.com./ You may enjoy the magical sound of moving your mouse
over the headings at their site...or maybe I'm just too easily amused.
My friend Cristina reminded me this weekend of a beautiful story, that
she and her children Isabella and Charles like to read at bedtime. In this case,
the author, Shel Silverstein is reading his own heart warming words...
Snowflakes and songs are a happy match,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change."
February 21, 2009, 2:43 pm
You can always count on the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson for
a little inspiration. Have you had 'that kind of week' too?
Hope the weekend gives your mind and spirit rest.
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we crossed the border to
CT and met Frances Kramer. The song we listened to is Saw You On The Road,
from her album Don't Say Goodbye. She has a great cover of Tom Petty's
American Girl included in that recording, plus you can check out her
just released acoustic collection called Heart Songs at http://www.franceskramer.com/.
Frances is live at The Muddy Cup in Saugerties this Sunday 2/22 @ 7pm.
Hear more tunes & find more dates at www.myspace.com/franceskramer.
It's a red carpet Oscar weekend and my friend Natalie posted
a Facebook status that asks, "Who are you wearing?"
(at the moment, Hello Kitty & Old Navy )
Of the best picture nominees, I've seen Slumdog Millionaire and Milk
and loved them both in their spirit of tenacious underdog and
ability to move me to tears. Add to that, animated nominee WALL-E,
which is one of the sweetest love and life stories ever.
Hooray for Hollywood on what seems to be a brilliant year when perhaps
we most feel the need to get lost in a story. And WALL-E is simply a
loveable character...who never utters a word!
Peter Gabriel's song for the film is nominated:
If movies are like vitamins, WALL-E is the kind that's good for your heart.
Be amused,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Another holiday on the homefront...
February 16, 2009, 9:52 am
another non-holiday for our servicemen and women. Found a site that has a bunch
of ideas for ways to support and remember our troops: http://www.citizensam.org/.
If you are a knitter, check out the simple patterns for Operation Helmetliner.
How did the weekend zoom by? Hope you had a relaxing one so far
and your Presidents' Day is groovy. Is there a song you'd like to hear tonight?
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met the sweet-sounding trio
The Ya Yas, who are Catherine Miles, Jay Mafale & Ben Wisch. So much fun
to chat with them and we heard the song Everything, from their
album of the same title. Hear more and find out where the Ya Yas
will be performing live, like this Wednesday 2/18 at Whistling Willie's in
Cold Spring @ 8pm by visiting: www.myspace.com/theyayasmyspace.
Valentine's Day have you thinking about how much you love NY too?
“Some people are settling down, some people are settling
and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.” ~Carrie Bradshaw
Soar with love,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Gary, Jay & Joe Don...NY melts for you!
February 13, 2009, 4:15 pm
Hope you had a great Thursday night...mine was an UNFORGETTABLE Garden
party with Rascal Flatts! Truth is, I noticed last week that they would be in
town...have mentioned on the air a few times that it was my 2009 'mission'
Last week it seemed impossible-- too short of notice to ask for
the night off, lacking funds, etc...but maybe proof that where there's a
wish, anything's possible, I was asked to cover the midday for Tom Furci,
and decided I WAS going to the show. Spontaneous is good.
I even bumped into an old friend--awesome to see you, Frank!
A phenomenal time was had at Madison Square Garden last night...
So many favorite Rascal Flatts tunes, but since I'm bouncing around like
Tigger today, and it's the weekend, this seems the right one:
(I did bring home a balloon from the party)
Love is LIVE music!
by Catherine Michaels in General
Foofaraw : ~ )
February 7, 2009, 4:39 pm
foo·fa·raw (fōō'fə-rô')
1. Excessive or flashy ornamentation.
2. A fuss over a trifling matter.
Don't you love learning new words? Found that in a crossword puzzle.
It's a fun word to say...might have to use it more frequently.
Maybe you'll encounter foofaraws in your weekend, or use it the next time you
play Scrabble.
In our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight last night, we met Andrew Craig
and heard the cool tune Another Victim of You, from his EP
Beautiful You. Hear it again and his other songs at www.myspace.com/andycraigfriends.
Keep an eye on Andrew's calendar for added live shows, where improvisation abounds.
He's at The Peekskill Coffeehouse on Sunday, April 26th @ 1pm.
I think we all had the same idea today: warmer weather, go to the car wash...
the line was HUGE where I stopped. I had a chance to visit lots of four-legged
friends at the SPCA of Westchester today and if you're reading this, just remember
you're a click away from checking out the beautiful dogs and cats who need a loving
home like yours, by simply visiting WHUD's adopt-a-pet page. If you're surrounded
by kitty and canine love, please consider joining the SPCA of Westchester's
Wags & Whiskers Walkathon & Pet Fair on April 25th at FDR Park in Yorktown.
Sure to be a wonderful day, so I hope to see you there. A Cat Parade included this time!
Gotta love this "cat chat:"
Weekend bliss to you,
February 6, 2009, 12:53 pm
Hope you're taking some time for your heart today
Just a quick note...last night we heard a song from Dusty Pas'cal called
More, from his album of the same title. Dusty performs this Saturday night
at The Eagles Hall in Ossining @ 8pm. Hear more of Dusty's music
by surfing over to www.myspace.com/dustinpascal.
Since we're celebrating hearts today, some inspiring thoughts on the subject:
“One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.”
~James Earl Jones
“The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”
“The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.”
~Jacques Benigne Bossuel
A song from the band that takes it's name from the organ that keeps our bodies in rhythm...
Good health to you and your heart,
by Catherine Michaels in General
No network footage exists of Super Bowl I...
January 31, 2009, 3:16 am
...it was allegedly taped over with a soap opera.
Can you imagine? Makes you wonder who hit the record button, right?
Enjoy the game on Sunday!
As mentioned this evening, NASA is looking for you to be interactive about
which part of the universe the Hubble telescope zooms in on. Learn more
and cast your vote: http://youdecide.hubblesite.org/
May the force be with you!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Ben Sultan.
The song we listened to is Coffee Girl, from his debut album
titled Biggest Futurehits. Ben's performing this Tuesday, 2/3 @ 7pm
at Webster Underground in Hartford, CT with Matt Wertz &am
p; The Alternate Routes.
Catch him at Borders in Mt. Kisco on Sunday, 2/15 @ 2pm.
Find Ben's calendar and hear more of his music at http://www.bensultan.com/
or stop by www.myspace.com/bensultan.
Maybe you've heard about the music history of this day...found this at telegraph.co.uk:
Yes, it was 40 years ago today that Sgt Pepper and his band played live for one last time. Their music has hardly ever gone out of style in the four decades since and raised plenty of smiles from generations of new fans.
The afternoon of January 30, 1969 was when The Beatles surprised a central London office lunch crowd with an impromptu concert on the roof of their Savile Row Apple headquarters.
Before the outing was abruptly cut short by police who objected to the noise, the band (with a little help from young keyboardist Billy Preston) had managed to thrill Londoners on adjacent rooftops and the streets below with a run-through of songs they had been rehearsing with a vague album in mind. Their five-song set included Don't Let Me Down, I've Got a Feeling and Get Back - all considered classics in subsequent years.
The rooftop 'concert' was the first live gig since the band stopped touring in 1965 (tired of constantly screaming girls and frustrated by not being able to reproduce the more complex arrangements of their studio albums) and was to be their last.
This may make you love YouTube even more:
Cheers to rooftops and Superbowl XLIII fun!
by Catherine Michaels in General
Hail to the Chief!
January 24, 2009, 1:57 am
Hope you felt optimism this week too.
On Tuesday night, shared these words as we welcomed our President Barack Obama
and Vice President Joe Biden, written by Albert Gamse:
Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.
Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, stories and song ideas as we keep warm with music.
Since we did not have a Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight tonight, due to a
technical difficulty, let me steer you toward a band based on the west coast
that I happen to love...Rocco DeLuca and The Burden. A new album "Mercy" arrives
on March 10th and Rocco is a mesmerizing singer & dobro player. (IMHO) Swing by
www.myspace.com/roccodeluca to listen or visit http://www.roccodeluca.com/.
Tonight we played a song for Frank in New Milford, who shared his love of horses
and appreciation for the volunteers at his non-profit, Equine Angels Rescue Sanctuary.
Get more info. at his website: http://www.foalrescue.com/. Such beautiful creatures!
Fitting to hear some Stones...
Ride with love,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"How long? Not long!"
January 19, 2009, 1:04 pm
A determined uncertainty in those words, part of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech
in Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. Have you visited the National Civil Rights Museum in
Memphis? It's a moving, empowering and devastating experience in that it is
situated at The Lorraine Motel, where the life of Dr. King ended.
As we pause today to honor his legacy and renew ourselves in his dream
and example, just wanted to share this song from local artist Will King:
Peace in dreams realized,
by Catherine Michaels in General
With liberty and snow for all...
January 17, 2009, 2:31 am
...says a wall hanging I picked up at the craft store today for three-and-a-half bucks.
Don't you love that? There's a snowman holding a star in the flag of the picture.
Maybe you're a snow lover too, but agree that our Canadian friends really shouldn't be so
gracious with sharing their cold air? Hope you find warmth in your weekend!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, the phenomenal Patrick Fitzsimmons
warmed our airwaves with his beautiful song It's Alright, and we heard
Elly's Healing Bowls, a brief but potent sound from his latest album,
so beautiful so blue. The truth is, it's a recording I can't stop listening to.
Let your ears be enamored with his music and keep up with where he'll be playing at
http://www.patrickfitzsimmons.net/ or swing by his space
www.myspace.com/patrickfitzsimmons. Patrick mentioned a concert
he's playing on Saturday, February 7th @ 7:30pm at the Farmstead Golf & Country Club
in Lafayette, NJ that benefits an organization called Pass It Along.
Check it out at http://www.passitalong.org/.
Just a day ago, the story of US Airways Flight 1549 gave new meaning to the
word INCREDIBLE! Hats off to the flight crew and emergency responders who
quickly brought safety to a perilous situation.
An online dictionary defines grace as: elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
In music, grace is a note that is an embellishment...in a U2 song, it's 'also a thought that
changed the world...' Mahalia Jackson has an amazing way with grace...
May all that you need be yours,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Ta da!
January 11, 2009, 7:39 pm
So, here's the hat I mentioned previously...finito!
A rough day for Giants fans, but there's always next year...and a reason to cheer up?
A whole new season of 24 begins tonight!
winter love,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"Sunshine is delicious..."
January 10, 2009, 3:22 am
"...rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”
Love that suggestion from 19th century English writer and critic, John Ruskin.
Take care making your way around this weekend, but enjoy the snow...sleds and
snowballs have no age limit.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we checked in with Julie Corbalis,
whose new album is titled Old Flames & New Names and we listened to the groovin'
song Broadway. Julie's at The Bitter End on Bleecker St. in NYC next
Sunday night, Jan. 18th @ 7pm. Learn more about Julie, hear her tunes
and find upcoming live dates at http://www.juliecorbalis.com/ or surf over to
If you find the snow inspiring, check out the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China:
www.thebeijingguide.com/harbin/harbin_ice_snow_festival.html a>
*Click on the panoramic view--it let's you zoom inside the ice architecture!
Can you believe how amazing that is?
Enjoy the light of the full wolf moon this weekend and a little imagination
with The Police...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltUiKvNsgJ0
Warmth & music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
knitting in the round...
January 3, 2009, 12:40 pm
...is a skill I hope to master in 2009. It's what enables you to create seamless things
like hats, which is my current project. Socks may be next.
What are your plans for the new year?
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met David Kraai and
heard the song How Do, from the David Kraai & The Saddletramps album
High & Lonesome. Hear David live, this Friday, January 9th @ Googie's Lounge,
upstairs at The Living Room on Ludlow St. in NYC @ 10:30pm or the next
full band show at Oasis Cafe in New Paltz @ 7pm. More dates, music and
a fun read about the band from The Reverend G. Harris-Twain III @
As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the Fred Claus soundtrack, which is truly
a collection of golden holiday tunes including one from local artist, Matt Turk.
It may be January, but are there really rules about what you listen to when
in the comfort of your kitchen?
This song is a favorite on the soundtrack, and the lights one of the things
I'll miss most about the season...
Here are scenes from my holiday in Florida...can you believe that roadster golf cart?
Warm hats & music in 2009,
by Catherine Michaels in General
La Vita Nuova...
January 1, 2009, 12:54 pm
In that book which is
My memory . . .
On the first page
That is the chapter when
I first met you
Appear the words . . .
Here begins a new life.
Dante Alighieri wrote those words that seem appropriate for the beginning
of a year. Maybe they refer to love...your work...an hour... or there is something
contained in Dante's 'you' that's simply subjective to whatever you need.
It's good to be at the beginning with you, a year of promise and potential in front of us.
May your way be lit with love and music in 2009!
by Catherine Michaels in General
Love to our troops, a little music and a few angels...
December 23, 2008, 1:11 pm
This is the first year I will be spending Christmas in Florida...I'll miss the
lovely snow mother nature graced us with this year, but the idea of warm
sunshine puts a smile on my face. I hope wherever you go it's a wonderful scene.
Our new first lady, Michelle Obama is pretty interactive...maybe you received that
e-mail too? She included a reminder that in this season of giving, we
can remember our men and women in uniform at http://www.operationusocarepackage.org/.
Last night we played a special holiday tune in the 8pm hour called Santa's Magic Sack,
and it was composed by Pete Dowan who lives in St. Catharine's, Ontario...much
closer to the North Pole. Learn more about Pete and hear his music at www.myspace.com/petedowan.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we'll catch up with Abbie Gardner
and Anthony Da Costa and hear a song they recorded, written by local composers Fred Gillen, Jr.
and Steve Kirkman, called Peace for Christmas. Prepare to be moved...
Keep up with Abbie, including her Slide Sessions dates at http://www.abbiegardner.com/.
Check out the latest from Anthony, who is working on a new album for 2009
at http://www.anthonydacosta.com/. They're a powerful duo and have multiple
other projects as well. Go see a live show! It's the best gift you can give your
ears and spirit this holiday season.
You may have heard me mention Duke the parakeet who rocks out to
WHUD in Montrose...thanks to his pal (and mine) Tom, I'm getting to
the airport tomorrow. Keep on dancing, Duke!
Isn't he gorgeous?
Thanks for the brilliant requests...it's obvious you love the holiday tunes too.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and if you're celebrating Kwanzaa...Habari gani?
This Sixpence None the Richer tune and video just has me feeling groovy this season,
and I hope you do too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-b5IC_Jsfc.
Peace & light to you and yours,
by Catherine Michaels in General
“So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.”
December 21, 2008, 10:07 pm
...says Willy Wonka. Maybe you're feeling the same way and wondering 'how did we
get here?' Through the month of December faster than a magic sleigh!
More impressive this weekend, is that in spite of the weather and our precarious
economy, our WHUD listeners proved once again to be phenomenally generous
in support of our Toys For Tots campaign. THANK YOU to everyone who stopped
by The Galleria @ Crystal Run in Middletown on Saturday with toys and cash donations.
It was wonderful to meet the Marines who were there, who coordinate the
distribution of the toys in the community. Our heartfelt gratitude to Staff Sergeant Fields,
from Mid Valley Oregon; Sergeant Munoz, a New Mexico native; Corporal Steele from
Lynchburg, Virginia; and a local Marine, Corporal Washington from Brooklyn.
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Pip Klein and
heard her song After the War. It's a moving tribute to her father, the late Ed Klein,
a Hudson Valley visionary as Pip shared, and a World War II veteran. The song is
based on love letters written during the war, while he served in the Army.
A testament to the power of love...
Pip performs with her husband, Bob, as The Gravikord Duo and you can check out
the unique sound of the instrument he invented and find out where they're playing
next at http://www.gravikord.com/. She has a few copies of her dad's autobiography,
"At Least No one is Shooting at Me" and can be reached at ipklein@warwick.net">pipklein@warwick.net.
Not exactly a carol, but it is an uplifting tune and the Beaker version too fun not to share with you:
Joy to you,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"Attaboy, Clarence!"
December 14, 2008, 10:35 am
That's the last line in It's A Wonderful Life after Zuzu shares her wisdom
about bells. Isn't that the magic of the season?
Hope you're enjoying the tunes on WHUD. This year, so far,
it seems the most requested holiday song at night has been Bing Crosby and David Bowie's
masterpiece, The Little Drummer Boy. Maybe it's the way they sing "peace on Earth"
and "rum pa pum pum" together like two perfectly timed parts of a watch. What a legacy!
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Marc Von Em.
Lost in the sound of his song Witness, were we. Find it on his album
Free or check out an amazing live version of it on his latest release
Marc Von Em Live From Rockwood Music Hall. Marc mentioned he welcomes
feedback and requests for him to perform and you can reach out through
his website http://www.marcvonem.com/ or venture to www.myspace.com/marcvonem.
Experience his awesome live sound this Friday night, 12/19 at
The Living Room on Ludlow St. in Manhattan @ 8pm.
How's your holiday agenda going? No need to feel time crunched, just keep on
pluggin' away. Shopping to finish, cards to send, cookies to bake, wrapping to perfect,
knitting to complete, suitcase to pack, big tree to visit!
We need a 7th inning holiday stretch...and what better way than with a song?
The dialogue at the beginning is a peach and you've got to love how Bing
says "Right or wrong, I sing either way."
The wonderful in life is in the music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Save The Pie Hole!
December 11, 2008, 11:31 am
For the love of Kristin Chenoweth...how could ABC cancel Pushing Daisies?!!?
If you'd like to keep the show on too, please sign the petition.
Maybe they will reverse their decision.
Power of the people, right?
If you haven't watched it, Pushing Daisies is the most clever, romantic, entertaining
show on TV right now--one episode, and you'll be hooked on Ned, the dreamy
Pie Maker!
What better dessert is there than a nice triangle of pie?
In crust we trust,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Peace on Earth...
December 6, 2008, 4:39 pm
Don't you love that phrase? In all its promise and possibility and if anything
has the means to make it real, it is music. Peace on Earth is also the title
of the new CD from Casting Crowns and you're hearing the stirring song
I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day, on WHUD this holiday season.
The song is based on a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The last stanza is:
Till ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
Good will to you and your loved ones this holiday season.
This afternoon, The New York Theatre Ballet gave us a sensational performance
of The Nutcracker at The Paramount Center for the Arts in Peekskill.
Thanks so very much to everyone who said hello in the lobby and supported our
WHUD Toys For Tots campaign. Wonderful to chat with you...Abby, Aleeza, Lenore,
Jim, Mark, Brianna, Katrina & Isabella!
Last night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Justina and listened to
her sing Write Me a Song from her EP titled Last One Standing.
Justina will be live at The Bitter End on Bleecker St. in Manhattan next
Sunday night (12/14) at 9pm. Browse Justina's calendar and hear more of her music
at her space: www.myspace.com/justina.
Watch the video for her song Formula if you're a fan of Tango!
It's inspiring to hear your stories each evening on Night Rhythms. For the next two weeks
in our all holiday music hour that begins at 8pm, a chance for you to win a copy of
ANÚNA’S new album Christmas Memories. Check out their sound...
Snowflakes & music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Old Mill Singers and more...
December 4, 2008, 3:06 pm
Hope your week is rolling along merrily.
Last night we heard from our singing Baritone friend Michael, who
let us know about the following:
Check out where some of our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight musicians are playing...
Friday 12/5
Jon Cobert @ Lucy's Lounge in Pleasantville underway at 10pm
T-Jay @ Mahoney's in Poughkeepsie at 10pm w/ Dr. Mudd
Fred Gillen, Jr. @ Coffeelabs in Tarrytown @ 8pm
Anthony da Costa & Abbie Gardner @ Postcrypt Coffeehouse basement of St. Paul's Chapel @ Columbia University @ 9pm
Julie Corbalis @ Desmond's on Park & 29th... onstage at 8...watch teachers rock out all night...
On Saturday 12/6
The Rhodes @ The Muddy Cup in Kingston w/ special guests--music starts @ 6pm
Susan Kane @ The Starving Artist Cafe in the Bronx 8 o'clock show
NY Blues Queen Roxy Perry on LI @ The Riff in Port Jeff...9:30 pm
On Sunday 12/7
Gillen & Turk @ Antoinette's in Hastings....2pm
Lara Herscovitch at Temple Shearith Israel, in Ridgefield CT opening for Cliff Eberhardt at 4pm
Michael Nappi playing a benefit concert for Kenny at Rise in Lodi NJ...4pm
Long Island...
Sloan Wainwright performs @ Stonybrook University 2pm @ The West Campus University Cafe
If you're in Manhattan Monday night, don't miss Jay Wright @ Googie's Lounge (upstairs at the Living Room) on Ludlow St.
Show begins at 8:30.
Be surrounded by sound,
by Catherine Michaels in General
"I'm not a child, but my heart still can dream..."
November 29, 2008, 3:01 pm
...love that lyric in the song Grown Up Christmas List, think my favorite
version is the magnificent Michael Buble...or maybe Barbra Streisand...or maybe all of them!
Hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyable. There's always a lesson in the cooking process--
one of the best things about being in the kitchen. This year was my first time preparing
the meal for a small gathering and it went better than I expected. I couldn't find a gravy
boat at the last minute, but did remember the meat thermometer so that's progress, right?
We are fortunate to have the internet nowadays, where you can not only find recipes,
but video-how-to's as well. My mom relies on instinct and experience.
Max, who is one of our Connecticut friends and an animal lover, requested
a song last night for the dogs and cats at the SPCA of Westchester. He chose
I'll Be Home For Christmas, in the hope that all shelter animals
find loving homes in this season of togetherness. If you're thinking of adopting a pet,
or just want to get together with wonderful people and fab four-legged friends:
Calling all Dog and Cat Lovers!
Join the SPCA of Westchester & Doggyspace.com for a Holiday Open House
December 6th from 11 am-3 pm
Enjoy family and dog portraits with Santa or Frosty by Liza Wallis of snootydog.com.
Games for kids, fabulous refreshments, various pet-related vendors, raffle prizes & more!
Featured guest is Bonnie, winner of Doggyspace.com's Best Costume Contest!
Doggyspace.com will award the SPCA Bonnie's $6,000 first place prize during the event.
Entry is free! Well-behaved, leashed dogs and cat lovers are welcome.
Please RSVP to Lisa@spca914.org or call 941-2896 x22. Parking is located across the street
at For Kids Only and in the far lot at Club Fit. For further details, log onto www.spca914.org.
Can't help being moved to tears by the Armed Forces greetings on our airwaves
and Josh Groban's I'll Be Home For Christmas, that includes messages home from
our men and women in uniform away from their loved ones this holiday season.
Send the love back:
This may be a biased observation, but with all sincerity, you can count on
the most unique and wonderful mix of holiday tunes and year-round favorites on WHUD.
Call Tom Furci and thank him during the lunch hour. (1-877-274-WHUD)
We launched our holiday Night Rhythms Thursday night with a personal favorite
and my wish to you this holiday season and beyond...
Peace & love the whole year through,
by Catherine Michaels in General
...and all the trimmings...
November 22, 2008, 2:10 am
Can you believe Thanksgiving is in a few days? Seems like five minutes ago
we were watching July 4th fireworks. Our thanks to you for listening and
all of the great requests. Whether you're home for the holiday or logging
miles to your feast, hope it's a memorable Thanksgiving for you.
This will be my first year attempting to cook the entire meal for some
friends--hopefully the kitchen gods will smile on me.
And may all your recipes turn out right!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jenny Goodspeed.
The moving song we listened to is called Broken, and it's found on her debut
album, Under the Ash Tree. Hear more of her music at http://www.jennygoodspeed.com/,
or drop by www.myspace.com/jennygoodspeed.
Keep an eye to the southwestern sky as Venus and Jupiter appear to draw closer to
one another this week. You'll notice them beaming brightly after sunset.
This past Thursday was World Children's Day. Do you have a favorite song
from childhood? Go ahead and fall in love with Jason Mraz singing this all-time favorite:
My friend Kim was in Hawaii recently and shared these pic's...
Music & rainbows,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Hearts, Arts and soldiers...
November 19, 2008, 4:37 pm
Hope your week is groovin' along smoothly...wow, 7 days away from
the Thanksgiving kitchen marathon--happy cooking and buon appetito!
My brilliant cousin, Michele survives with Pulmonary Hypertension.
If you're unfamiliar with what that means, basically it is elevated blood pressure in the lungs.
Weakened lung function ultimately affects the patient's heart. Its cause is still unknown.
Here's the performance mentioned on air in support of research...
An evening of jazz music with vocalist, Teraesa Vincent and guitarist, Tom Dempsey
Thursday, 11/20 at 9:30 pm (doors open 30 minutes before the show)
at The Laurie Beechman Theater (Located within The West Bank Café)
407 West 42nd St. Between 9th and 10th Aves. in Manhattan
$25 contribution and $15. food/drink beverage charge
Contact: mariacmercader@gmail.com or visit http://www.opusfund.org/
Last night we heard from Mara Mills, who is one of the stage directors for
A FORM OF MATTER, a poetry and dialogue collaboration with the Hudson
Valley Writers Center. As Mara mentioned, poets interested in participating
in the project can visit the HVCCA in Peekskill this Sunday and Monday (11/23 & 11/24)
to view the art and be inspired to write. Submission and more info at http://www.hvcca.org/.
If you're thinking about the brave men and women serving our country this
holiday season, found this info at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site:
Holiday cards should be mailed to:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD. 20791-5456
All cards must be postmarked no later than Dec. 10.
Cards should not be mailed or delivered to Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
More info. at http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/
Thanks so much for stopping by our Night Rhythms blog!
Peace & music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
A dog named Sigurd...
November 15, 2008, 1:27 pm
...is named after a hero in Norse mythology, and is a Golden Retriever who enjoys
watching television, with a particular passion for politics. Really...
Sigurd is also the pal of Kurt Henry, whom we met in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight
this week. Kurt hosts a weekly songwriters' night at The High Falls Cafe on Route 213
every Thursday night, http://www.highfallscafe.com/ and he pointed out
that it begins at 6pm, so it's not a late night. He also said the food there is wonderful.
Kurt and his wife Cheryl are both educators, and the influence of literature is
evident in the songs on their latest album Heart, Mind & All, including the one we listened
to titled The Ties That Blind. Hear more music and check out The Kurt Henry Band
calendar at http://www.kurthenry.com/. Be ready to play some percussion at
The Dockside Pub in Mahopac, this Saturday 11/22 @ 7pm or support the Ty Adams
Music Benefit on Sunday 11/23 from 5-9pm at The Colony Cafe in Woodstock.
Since Shakespeare's Sonnet CXVI was the inspiration for the song we heard,
here it is:
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
My seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Singh, had us memorize that one--
amazing how some things resurface with significance.
If only there were more minutes in an hour, more hours in an evening...
Would have played this one for you, but the video has more impact
if you love The Beatles...and no red bouncing ball, but it is set up like
a sing along:
by Catherine Michaels in General
The T-shirt...
November 13, 2008, 4:47 pm
Thought you might like to see the Elton John/Billy Joel t-shirt I mentioned
from the Summer of '94 at The Meadowlands in NJ...maybe you were there too?
This shirt has a LOT of mileage, and is pretty dingy, but I LOVE IT!
Cheers to another AMAZING tour of two true stars!
Duelling pianos to you,
by Catherine Michaels in General
The life and legacy of a mix tape...
November 13, 2008, 1:23 am
Thanks to Channon who shared the below mentioned on the air tonight.
What's on your favorite old mix tape?
Remember me? It's ok, you don't have to feel embarrassed or obliged to say anything. You probably forgot I was still here. I mean...I've been sitting on this shelf behind some books for about 7 years now hoping you'd stumble upon me again, so if I were you I probably would've forgotten about me, too. At one point I think I was in a box in the attic. In fact, the others may still be up there. Either way, it seems my once famed legacy has boiled down to one thing: dust collector.
Wait! Wait! Since I've got you here for a minute, can we take a trip down memory lane? Remember when the art of music-giving was just that; an art? I'm not trying to make my cousin out to be a bad guy. CD is alright. He's got the capacity to hold some choice tunes, too. But don't let him fool you; he's pretty lazy.
It's not that I'm bitter with CD or his sister, MP3. Sometimes I think about trying to intermingle. But then I get to thinking, "Will my newer, more technical counterparts consider me uncool? In their eyes, what do I have to offer? I certainly don't look as sleek at they do."
But I had glory days, too, and they required a whole lot more than putting a list of songs together and waiting for a computer to tell you if they fit in their entirety on me or not.
Do you remember the time you decided to take that cross-country road trip with your best friend to celebrate your freedom and entry into adulthood? I do; I was there. What was that song you made your theme song? Yea.. you know which one I'm talking about. "Born To Be Wild."
One time you had all of these songs recorded from off the radio. I think it was Mariah Carey (you don't like her anymore, I get it), TLC, Smashing Pumpkins, The Fugees, and Pearl Jam. At first I laughed because I thought you were a really confused teen. That was before I realized how open-minded you were becoming.
Or how about the time that guy you crushed on all those months (you're rolling your eyes, but I never thought he was all that good-looking to begin with) finally worked up the nerve to ask you to make things "official" on the drive home from that party and you shared your first kiss? You know you do. You made a mix on me from everything you danced to that night, and the song playing in the background when he finally made his move.. Heck, I even got tired of it by the 34th time in a row. But it made you smile for a long time and I remember that. Want to know how I remembered that it was 34 times? Because I sped as furiously as I could to rewind to exactly the right spot where the song began. Just because it was what you wanted. Maybe you listen to that song on CD now. But he probably doesn't even keep track of how many times it's been played. All you have to do is press one button & you're instantly at the beginning again. Sorry that relationship didn't work out, by the way.
Me? I'm flexible. I know how your music interests change (you've become even more open-minded as an adult based on the music I hear coming from your computer), so if you get tired of a song I'm playing you could always just record over it with a new one. My cousin on the other hand... he holds music on him, true. But try rewriting his format to hold different songs and suddenly he's not the most cooperative guy.
I know, I know. It'll take you longer to put the songs following the new one in order with timing if you start recording over the old ones. But think of me this way; I'm a hidden gem that you recently discovered again. And while I know I'm not the kind of treasure that would make you a lot of money if you tried selling me on Ebay.. I'd like to think I still hold some kind of value in your eyes. You can't put a price on memories. And correct me if I'm wrong, but we had some great times. Didn't we? And wasn't the time and energy you put into making me the reason you loved giving me as a gift or keeping me for your own personal collection in the first place? I mean, you would literally spend DAYS writing out my track list, making sure the timing fit perfectly, decorating my outside cover, and sometimes even making a small booklet to fold up inside me with the lyrics. When I was a gift, you said that it showed just how much the recipient meant to you by the work you put into me. If you would've known how proud a peacock I was when you were done.. well, needless to say, I felt pretty invincible at that point.
If it's for convenience sake that you've chosen other media players, hey, I get that. But why not take me out once in a while and give me a chance? I'd love to see the expression on your face when you hear song number 2 again or the recordings from your first band. You've still got a boom box with a tape deck in the basement, right? One in your car? And it's not like I'm needy. I'm not asking you to take me out all the time or even undertake a mix-tape revival (although, in a totally biased way, I think that would be pretty great). I mean, come on, I've been sitting here for 7 years now. I think I've grown to be very patient. And when the time comes in my old age where the songs just wont play right anymore, I'm still useful. You can frame me in an attempt at modern art, slip me onto a chain as a necklace, turn me into a belt buckle or a wallet, or use my tape for gift bag stuffing (ok, honestly, the thought of you ripping out my insides like that is the most morbid thought that has ever crossed my mind).
In the meantime, I'd be pretty stoked (is that even an expression you use anymore? Forgive me, it's been a while) if you'd keep me intact and just revisit me from time to time. Then maybe my current legacy will return to something more meaningful. Like time machine... or memory box.
Mixed bliss,
by Catherine Michaels in General
A debt unpayable...
November 12, 2008, 1:49 am
...to our American veterans. Support our men and women in uniform through the USO by
clicking http://www.uso.org/, or if you or someone you know can provide
or benefit from free mental health services for military personnel and
their families, please vist http://www.giveanhour.org/.
I just loved reading this story about some pretty awesome folks in Maine--
who know exactly where to show up and make a difference:
Proud of...grateful for... and humbled by our American veterans,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Frequent blogger miles?
November 8, 2008, 2:56 am
Might be a wave of the future...wouldn't it be nice to cash in your thoughts for travel?
A visit with my friends Sarah and Malin from Sweden, reminded me this week
of the magical summer I spent there. Truly wonderful people, and the island
of roses and ruins, Gotland, is a fantastic adventure: http://www.gotland.net/.
What a stellar and unforgettable week it has been! At a time when automation is prevalent
in the radio industry, it was truly an honor to be broadcasting live as we welcomed our
President-elect, Barack Obama. He's already said some pretty inspiring things,
'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.'
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we caught up with singer/songwriter
Susan Kane. The song we heard is from her new album Highway Bouquet and
it's called Ring the bells. Susan will be in the line up at The Northeast Regional
Folk Alliance Conference in Kerhonkson next weekend and she'll
be live at The Peekskill Coffeehouse on Sunday, November 23rd @ 1pm.
Link to Susan's music and calendar at http://www.susankane.com/.
She also mentioned the Tribes Hill community of local artists she belongs to,
learn more at http://www.tribeshill.com/.
Thursday night, we played Rick Springfield for Barbara and her Shelty named Lily
who is a therapy dog. To find out more about how dogs are helping children, check
out http://www.angelonaleash.org/. REMARKABLE LOVE!
Hope the weekend takes you exactly where you want to be--maybe it's in a Billy Joel song...
Change is bliss!
by Catherine Michaels in General
"Time is free, but it's priceless...
November 1, 2008, 1:22 am
"...you can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it but you can spend it.
Once you've lost it, you can never get it back." ~ Harvey McKay
This weekend, we challenge the last part of that because we DO get an hour back.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jase Blankfort from the band Glint.
Sound in Silence is the name of their latest release, and the song we heard is
Hidden Place. Check out more Glint music and find out where they're performing
at http://www.glintonline.com/ or www.myspace.com/glintonline.
This Saturday night, 11/1, Glint takes the stage at The Mercury Lounge in Manhattan
@ 10pm. Glint won Billboard Magazine's 2007 Independent Music World Series and
Jase and his bandmates create a unique "transcendental" experience at their live shows.
Do you have a favorite Halloween film? Here's a bit of Tim Burton's genius:
We're just a few days away from voting for a new American president and
I'm looking forward to an exciting election night with you!
Peace in music,
by Catherine Michaels in General
Lex parsimoniae...
October 26, 2008, 10:39 am
...is the Latin way of referring to Occam's Razor, the principle of parsimony, or going
with the simplest solution. It came to mind for this blog entry because it has been a busy
few days, and it's a bunch of information, so I will try to impart it simply...
We enjoyed a *bonus* Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight on
Thursday night with the wonderful KJ Denhert, and heard her song Beautiful,
found on the album Lucky 7. Check out KJ's music and calendar, which includes
her CD Release party for the new recording KJ Denhert dal Vivo a Umbria Jazz,
this Monday night at (le) poisson rouge in Manhattan @ 6:30pm.
Just zoom over to http://www.kjdenhert.com/ or www.myspace.com/kjdenhert.
Be sure to listen to her singing Over the Rainbow!
On Friday night, we shined our spotlight on singer/songwriter Anthony Melillo--remarkably,
still in high school and just released his debut album, Just Gettin' Started. The song we listened
to is Fairytale; hear it at www.myspace.com/melillomusicpro.
Anthony shared the inspiring things he's up to including a soon-to-be-released song
in memory of his friend, Justin, whose music you can check out at:
Among Anthony's upcoming performances is a benefit at Victor's Bar & Grill in Hawthorne
on November 5th @ 6pm. Proceeds of the show will support Ana and her family
as she undergoes treatment for Breast Cancer.
An update from the Making Strides walk at Jones Beach last weekend...
My friend Karen organized a team that included three generations. Our youngest walkers,
Michael, Ryan and Meaghan, made it to the finish without stopping. Bravo, kids!
The United Knockers raised over $2,500 and it was incredible to pass the survivors and
supporters on the windy but gorgeous boardwalk.
Last night I had the great pleasure of attending the 6th Annual Top Hat & Tails Benefit
for the SPCA of Westchester, honoring Joan Kalman. So many beautiful dogs stepped out
with their human pals, including a noteworthy terrier named Rowan, who was wearing a top hat!
If you are thinking of welcoming four-legged-love into your life, please click on the Adopt-a-pet link
here on our site--and visit the SPCA of Westchester to see the life-saving work they do.
My gratitude to Lisa and Shannon for a memorable evening, and The LaBlanc Brothers Band
for DYNAMITE music! http://www.lablancbrothersband.com/
Feels like it's been a week of 'good going on,' so check out this collaboration:
Outta sight!
Sweet sounds to you,
Board games or Jenga anyone?
September 6, 2008, 1:00 am
Some indoor games a good idea for our tropical stormy Saturday.
If you're playing Scrabble, you can use it as a word because it is in fact a word that means to scratch or scrape.
Some high scoring words are quickly, zippy and wheezy, which kind of sound like they should be dwarves, huh?
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jay Wright of Jay Wright & the Soulbucket and listened to his empowering song Change Gotta Come, found on his debut album titled The Low Down Dirty Love CD.
Jay has a live show next Thursday, September 11th at The National Underground on E. Houston St. in Manhattan @ 8pm.
Learn more about Jay and his music by surfing over to www.soulbucketmusic.com or stop by his space
to hear some tunes at www.myspace.com/soulbucket.
Off the air, Jay and I talked about the incredible Herbie Hancock and this pioneering music video I just had to remind you of--the 80's kids will remember:
We've been conditioned to think of rain as a bad thing, but maybe you're looking forward to this weekend's weather too. Langston Hughes wrote...
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Singing drops of bliss to you,
Dogs in action : )
September 1, 2008, 1:42 pm
Hope your Labor Day weekend is memorable and back to school a smooth transition.
Just wanted to share this link to some pretty dynamite dogs doing good work:
Some famous thoughts on dogs:
There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog. ~Konrad Lorenz
I named my dog Stay so I can say, "Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay." ~Steven Wright
My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton
Canine bliss,
Kelly's brownies...
August 30, 2008, 12:59 am
...are out of this world! Thanks so much to Kelly in Brewster, her Aunt Patti and mom Eileen
who stopped by our WHUD studio on Thursday night. It was great to have you visit.
Kelly has a rabbit named Hopper who plays games, I once had a rabbit named Hoppy
who, even my mom would tell you, could dance.
Do you think Kelly had fun?
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jann Klose and heard
his song Give In To This Life, from the album Reverie. Find out about
Jann's upcoming gigs, including Thursday, 9/4 @ Mexicali Live in Teaneck, NJ
and hear more of his songs at www.myspace.com/jannklose or
his website www.jannklose.com. Among his videos at YouTube,
this one is fun because it's from his summer tour in Germany and it's filmed
on a balcony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZDLT9pyna0
Hope your Labor Day weekend is exactly what you need and filled with music!
"All I've got is a red guitar, three chords and the truth..."
August 23, 2008, 1:08 am
...sings Bono in the U2 version of All Along The Watchtower
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wfub-LbOmk on the soundtrack
of their road documentary Rattle and Hum--which I think is the one I'd choose if
I were only allowed to listen to one album for the rest of my life and had to live
a thousand years. How about you?
Although it was an abbreviated week of Night Rhythms for me, excellent song
ideas the past two nights, thanks!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met David, Rob, Nick and Derek
who are The Rhodes. We listened to the song Shakedown, from their debut
album Modern Sounds of Northern Towns. Hear more of their infectious sounds
at www.myspace.com/therhodesmusic and find out about the
Wrock for Darfur event The Rhodes will be playing by surfing over to www.wrockdarfur.org.
We've had so much sunshine, it may have you feeling like this song
by the amazing Jackie Wilson...
A special thank you to our friend Kelly O'Toole in Brewster
who created the first piece of Night Rhythms art--love it!
Heaps of happy,
In a pinch...
August 16, 2008, 1:20 am
...we get by with a little help from our friends.
We have certainly learned that from Night Rhythms, thanks for an amazing week!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight
we listened to the tune This Town is Our Song from the just released
Gillen & Turk album Backs to the Wall. Hear their songs live later today at
the Hastings Farmers Market @ 10am. For upcoming shows, including the August 31st
Ashokan Farm and Theatre gig in West Shokan, also featuring Kelleigh McKenzie
and Steve Kirkman...go to www.gillenandturk.com.
My summer escape this year was a trip to Memphis, including a stop at Graceland
where Elvis played for the last time on this piano in the Racquetball Room...
...and this was one of the songs:
My favorite car in his collection is this sweet '56 purple Cadillac--that you must see!
Sail with music,
Go Team USA!!!
August 9, 2008, 11:24 am
Good luck to our American athletes competing in the Beijing Summer Olympics--shine on!
In the spirit of global harmony...
In our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight this week, we met Professor Louie, a Peekskill native
and musical ambassador who has worked with the Czech Symphony Orchestra and teaches in Novosibirsk, Siberia.
The power of music to bring people together is infinite.
The song we listened to by Professor Louie & The Crowmatix is called Daughters & Sons,
from their latest CD As the Crow Flies. If you'd like to check out the holiday song
he mentioned, it's called Melody of Peace, and you can watch the performance
with The Empire State Orchestra and Choir here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOe_UYPnJkk.
Check out upcoming live performances and hear more music at: www.myspace.com/professorlouie or surf over to www.woodstockrecords.com.
This Friday, Professor Louie and The Crowmatix share the stage with New Riders of the Purple Sage
in Sugarloaf at The Lycian Centre, 7:30 pm show.
Good luck to Aileen, Maureen and Kevin--the swimmers from Bedford Hills who have their Olympic meet in PA this weekend.
Happy Birthday to the coolest brother in the world, my brother Michael!
Blissful weekend to you!
The everlasting gobstopper...
August 2, 2008, 1:08 am
...the timeless confection of candyman Willy Wonka.
A sweet weekend to you! Thanks for the stellar requests--we love hearing your stories.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Rena Strober, who wraps up her
starring role as Belle in the Westchester Broadway Theatre production of
Beauty and the Beast tomorrow night. Break a leg, Rena!
We listened to her gorgeous performance of the song Pure Imagination
found on her debut album titled Finding Home. It's a superb collection of familiar tunes
that Rena includes in her original one-woman show Spaghetti & Matzo Balls,
that takes us on her personal journey as a performer. Surf over to www.renastrober.com
to learn more and hear her music. Undoubtedly the Broadway stage is where we'll see
Rena in the future!
Hearing the song brings to mind the unforgettable Gene Wilder, whom we've adored
for decades in the original film version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory:
...an everlasting performance! Maybe Willy has it right when he says,
"Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation,
and 2% butterscotch ripple. "
Be a dreamer,
TCB was Elvis' motto...
July 25, 2008, 2:02 pm
...so we're takin' care of the blogging business earlier than usual because I'm
goin' to Graceland this weekend.
My mom would on occassion make peanut butter and banana sandwiches--not fried--
when I was a child, and both of my parents are Elvis fans, but I didn't realize at the time
that she was motivated in the kitchen by her music taste!
Perhaps by divine coincidence, tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we welcome
Rob Ward and his band Food Will Win the War. The song we'll hear is called
Amassed Complications, from their self-titled album. Catch them live
tomorrow night at Rockwood Music Hall on Allen St. in NYC, an 8pm show.
Hear more of their music at www.myspace.com/robward.
If you're headed to Memphis too, I'll see you in the Jungle Room on Sunday morning!
My parents saw Elvis when his tour stopped at Nassau Coliseum in 1974...don't have
any footage of that, but thought this one would be fitting since midnight is Night Rhythms
departure time:
Bliss to you until we meet again Thursday!
Follow your soul to music,
A New York State of Mind...
July 19, 2008, 1:13 am
works in any weather...but do take care of yourself and pets this hot July weekend.
Tonight we heard from Lieutenant Sanchez, A Navy Seal from Yorktown, who has just
returned from his second tour of duty in Iraq, and was wounded a second time.
Be well, friend.
Our love, prayers and heartfelt gratitude to the men and women of our military and their
families for their willingness to endure so much while our country is at war.
Here's the link we mentioned on the air tonight:
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Kelleigh McKenzie
and heard her beautiful song Underground, from her debut release
titled Chances. She'll be performing (banjo and stompbox included) at the
Rosendale Street Festival this Sunday, July 20th or check out her calendar
and sample Kelleigh's music at [url]elleighmckenzie.com[/url]
Kelleigh shared her inspiration for the song, which you can learn more about
at www.prajwalaindia.org
What a week to be a New Yorker...the MLB All-Star game, as the final season of baseball
is played at Yankee Stadium and Billy Joel and his friends making music for the last
time at Shea Stadium as we know it-- if you were lucky enough to be there, send us pictures!
Found this one at www.newsday.com:
That's why we love ya, piano man!
Perhaps he would consider these back up singers...long live The Muppets!
Peace in music,
Perfecting homemade tomato sauce...
July 12, 2008, 1:51 am
...is something I truly aspire to, but can't seem to find the magic my mom
and Aunt Dolores possess...good to have a goal, right? This weekend my amazing
friend Karen, more like a sister since I was four years old, and her hubby Brian
roll into town from NH--my reason for cooking! Groovy to listen to a flashback
weekend on WHUD in the kitchen.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met singer/songwriter and mesmerizing
guitarist Joey Eppard, whose band is called Three. The song we listened
to is Static from Joey's solo album titled Been to the Future. His upcoming solo gigs
include July 20th at the Rosendale Street Fest @ 4pm and July 28th at The Bearsville
Theater in Woodstock @ 8pm. Swing by Joey's space www.myspace.com/joeyeppard
to hear more of his music and find upcoming performances. Check out the band's
website at www.theband3.com.
Is there nothing we can't find on YouTube? Did you know that you can even
practice cooking with the Wii?
Not exactly satisfying, so it's back to the simmering stove...
"A world without tomatoes is like a string quartet without violins."
~Laurie Colwin
Red, white and BLUES!
July 7, 2008, 12:30 pm
Hope your July 4th weekend was a memorable celebration...don't you love when the
Empire State Building looks patriotic?
(Actually took that back in March standing in Chelsea)
We had the pleasure of welcoming New York Blues Queen, Roxy Perry
in our Night Rhythms Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight last Thursday.
The song we listened to is called Midnight Train, from her album Back in Bluesville.
Roxy is the headliner this Wednesday night at Riverfront Green Park in Peekskill
and you can also catch her this Friday evening at the Yonkers Waterfront Amphitheatre, details at:
www.roxyperry.com. Get on out and enjoy some blues!
Roxy mentioned she has a new album soon to be released, so keep an ear out for that,
and swing by her space at www.myspace.com/roxyperrynybq and check out this performance of a familiar tune:
Gerald Stanley Lee wrote:
"America is a tune. It must be sung together."
Sing their praises at www.americasupportsyou.mil.
Peace in music,
School's out for summer!
June 28, 2008, 12:46 am
Congratulations to the Class of 2008 and happy summer to all students
and teachers. Don't you love yearbooks? When looking back, it feels
like five minutes have gone by since you posed for those pictures...
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artsit Spotlight we met Kirsten Price and
heard her song Bring Me Back from her debut album Guts & Garbage.
Kirsten has a show at the Highline Ballroom on July 11th and you can
check her schedule and hear more of her cool songs at www.kirstenprice.com.
With the help of Walter, our WHUD blog expert : ) here are some pictures Liz
from Mt. Kisco sent of The Mermaid Parade at Coney Island last weekend...
Looks like it was a fabulous day!
Wherever the weekend takes you, find the music...
Clamming at the marina...
June 21, 2008, 1:00 am
...is one of my favorite memories of summer growing up on Long Island-- doing the twist in
the sand! We hope to hear more about your summer plans and memories as we play
your requests in this season of outdoor fun.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we caught up with Fred Gillen, Jr.
and heard his song Coney Island from his latest album of the same title.
(Kudos to Flooper the studio rabbit he mentioned, who sounds like a good production assistant)
Fred is a busy musician who records, produces and collaborates with many other local
artists and you can hear more music, learn about his other projects and find
out where he'll be performing at www.fredgillenjr.com.
This weekend check out Gillen & Turk and their many friends at the Clearwater Festival
Great Hudson River Revival @ Croton Point Park from 10am until dusk both days.
Happy Birthday to my sisters, JoAnn and MaryAnn who both celebrated this week!
Hope to see you at Healey Hyundai in Beacon from 2-4pm later today...
Clambake anyone?
Summer bliss to you,
Fun for theatre lovers this summer...
June 19, 2008, 3:32 pm
Wow, is it really Thursday already? Technically, tomorrow is our longest day of the year,
but for me the longest day is every Thursday--that is my "mountain" day, and once over it,
a feeling of completion....until a new week begins
Lastnight we heard from our lovely friend and Tony nominee Sally Mayes.
She mentioned that she and her friend Jackie will be sharing their passion for theatre with
children in Putnam Valley this summer--and the program concludes with a vaudeville
performance : ) Here are the details and contact info:
Join Broadway’s Sally Mayes and West End’s Jackie Matalon at St. Lukes for:
Song and Dance 2008 this August:
Monday through Friday, Noon to 5 PM
August 4-8
August 11-15
August 18-22
Week 1- DANCE
A comprehensive program featuring MOVEMENT FOR THE STAGE, and Broadway inspired
MAKEUP FOR THE STAGE during this week.
Week 2- SONG
The second week of our camp will focus on the musical aspects of performing a show. The
children will work with Sally and a professional musical director learning about SINGING FOR
actually make their own costumes and sets ( with a little help) and really learn the business of
a show from the inside out!
This last week will be about COMBINING ALL THE ELEMENTS OF THE FIRST TWO WEEKS to put
together our final production, which will be simply called, VAUDEVILLE!
One Week: $300
Two Weeks: $575
All three Weeks: $850
Call 1-917-453-8862 or e-mail sallymayes@optonline.net for more information.
Space limited to 25 per week for students entering Grades 3-8!
Sing & dance,
Flags and fathers...
June 14, 2008, 1:59 am
...seems fitting that they share this weekend as honorees--both a source of pride
and a part of who we become.
The very entertaining Jerry Lewis said:
"When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, 'Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?'
He answered, 'If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.'"
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artsit Spotlight we met Brian LaBlanc of Blanc Faces.
We heard the rockin' tune We'll Make The Best Of It from their self-titled
album. Brian and his brother Robbie perform at all types of events and you can check out
their repertoire at www.lablancbrothersband.com.
Happy Father's Day to my dad in Florida (who will most likely be on the golf course),
our WHUD dads, and the many men serving our country overseas... whose children
will miss them this Sunday. If you haven't seen this 'welcome home dad,' be warned--
you'll need a tissue...
Now is love,
"If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon"
June 7, 2008, 1:24 am
Not sure where that saying originates from but the dragon will surely be laughing the next few days...
Our first real taste of summer weather this weekend, are you ready?
Please keep yourself and your pets cool and hydrated.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Abbie, Laurie and Carolann--the dynamic trio that is Red Molly and heard the moving song: The Mind of a Soldier
from their just released album Love and Other Tragedies.
You can hear their sweet harmony and strings live this Tuesday, June 10th at Watercolor Cafe in Larchmont @ 8pm, plus they're performing
at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival in July www.falconridgefolk.com.
Learn more about Red Molly and find out about their upcoming shows at www.redmolly.com or swing by their space www.myspace.com/redmollyband.
Thanks to Kevin in Peekskill, who dedicated a song tonight to our soldiers overseas and their families here at home. If you're passionate about supporting our troops, visit www.americasupportsyou.mil.
Here's a cold one for your hot weekend, compliments of some folks up north...
Cool is you,
Unconditional love...
May 31, 2008, 12:50 am
...is what you can welcome into your home sweet home with a new feature at our website
called WHUD's Adopt a Pet! Check it out and learn about fabulous Bebe from our friends
at the SPCA of Westchester. You can swing by their site at www.spca914.org.
In the words of Phil Collins, it's a groovy kind of love.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Robert Hill and listened to his
thought provoking song First to Fight, from his album titled My Corner.
He'll be sharing the stage with McMule at Bodles Opera House
in Chester on Friday, June 27th @ 8pm.
Hear more of his moving music, awesome guitar sounds, see pictures of him playing that
gorgeous instrument and find upcoming shows at www.roberthillband.com.
Stormy weather in the forecast for tomorrow...can't wait to hear mother nature's music!
Feel good about the rain with one of the most divine voices of all time
~Ella Fitzgerald~accompanied by sweet sounding strings...
Thunderous bliss,
Decoration Day...
May 24, 2008, 12:48 am
...is what Memorial Day was originally called when it was first observed on May 30, 1868,
when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at
Arlington National Cemetery. A National Moment of Remembrance is at 3pm on Monday,
and simply requires that we pause for a moment of silence at that time, to remember
all who have died in the service of our country. Check out www.usmemorialday.org.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Bob Barlow and heard his
song Without Even Asking from his CD Woodstock Six. Imagine teaching fifth
grade in the same classroom where you attended fifth grade? Bob does that every
day in room 109. Hear more of his cool tunes at www.myspace.com/peaceguitar
and find out where he's playing live next.
Thanks so much for enjoying the Night Rhythms with us...wouldn't be the same without YOU!
My very excellent (and patient) guitar teacher is responsible for my awareness of this
beautiful Dar Williams song that seems fitting for this weekend:
Still imagining,
Mamapalooza 2008!
May 17, 2008, 2:39 pm
What a gorgeous day at Kensico Dam Plaza
Hope you were inspired by the moms who rocked and had everyone
up and dancing--like The Swingset Mamas. We met Lizzie and Marlowe
in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight on Friday night, heard their songs
My Sunny Day, composed by Lucie Swan and Sunscreen Dance from
their CD, Dance Around The House. The Swingset Mamas are all about listening,
singing and dancing to the music with your children every chance you get and
they believe children are natural songwriters.
Hear more of their family friendly tunes and find out about the wonderful
work they're doing at www.swingsetmamas.com.
They've just released a DVD, here's a neat tune about bugs:
Have you seen a good movie recently? If you're renting one this weekend,
for a poignant picture of human interaction and our potential for kindness,
check out Lars and the Real Girl...or add it to your list.
A blissful marriage to my friends Phil and Patty, tying the knot tomorrow--
see you on the dancefloor!
Music & love,
Happy Mother's Day : )
May 10, 2008, 12:41 am
Hope to see you in a few hours at The Palisades Center in West Nyack from noon to 2pm at Lane Bryant.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Terry, Patti and Stacy
of the rockin' mom band Motherlode Trio. The beautiful song we heard is called
Watching You Go, from their self-titled CD. It's a wonderful collection of songs
any mom can relate to and there's a moving 9/11/01 tribute that incorporates
Shakespeare's Sonnet 64. Hear more and find out where they're performing at
www.motherlodetrio.com. Motherlode Trio will be taking the stage,
along with a bunch of other moms who rock at Mamapalooza 2008, next Saturday,
May 17th @ Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla. Kacey and I hope to meet you there!
Details at www.mamapalooza.com or www.myspace.com/mamapalooza2.
From the river of calls we received tonight, it's clear that our WHUD listeners have a lot
of love for moms. Thanks to our pal Josh in Yorktown for this glorious Etta James idea:
Happy Mother's Day to my mom in Florida...and you!
Flashback weekend bliss,
"The way to catch a knuckleball...
May 3, 2008, 12:32 am
...is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up," said Mr. Baseball, Bob Uecker.
Maybe we can apply that theory to everything--certainly broadcasting.
In spite of a slow rolling ball in our 10pm hour tonight, hope you enjoyed meeting
Jeannie and Laura Veltz and hearing their song that's been whirling around my
brain for days, My Life Is Mine from their album titled This. Check out their
website www.theveltzfamily.com to hear their music and watch the
beautifully produced video family history to the song we heard tonight.
The Veltz Family is among the acts at Mamapalooza this year:
Kacey and I will be there...rockin' out with you! So, clear your calendar on
Saturday, May 17th and come sing, dance, drum, shop, stretch and smile
with us at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla. 3d_001
If you're up before dawn on Monday, look to the sky for the
Eta Aquarid meteors, radiating from the constellation Aquarius
in the Southeastern sky.
Hope your month of May is off to a satisfying start...not exactly beach weather
yet, but if you're 'fond of sand dunes' and the voice of Patti Page:
(apparently filmed in Cornwall, England not Cape Cod but just as dreamy
Bliss and music,
The SPCA Wags and Whiskers Walkathon...
April 26, 2008, 12:56 am
...is at FDR Park in Yorktown and I hope to see you there at 10am today!
If you can't make it, find out about the wonderful work they're doing and how you can
support the SPCA of Westchester and the shelter animals they care for at: www.spca914.org
Murray Weinstock shared his story about his Dachsund Lucia, adopted from the
Westchester SPCA and he'll be performing at the event. Hear his animal lovin' tunes at:
Animal rescue is not just happening on the homefront...check out this hero story:
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Greg, Sean and Steve from Making April and heard their fantastic song These Are The Nights from the EP Runaway World.
They're on the road at the moment, but will be back in NY soon. Hear more of their songs
and learn about the Piano Key Contest at www.myspace.com/makingapril or visit
the band's website at www.makingapril.com.
Our love and prayers to Lorraine's little miracle great granddaughter, Hannah Lynne...
Weekend bliss to you,
Kids Rule!!
April 19, 2008, 1:13 am
Hope to see you in White Plains in a few hours, at our 13th annual WHUD Kids Fair!
It's just too much fun in one place...
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Samantha Tracey and heard her
song Lyrics To My Life, which you can check out at:
Look up for the full "pink" moon this weekend--nope, it won't appear a rosy color--
the April full moon is named for seasonal blooming phlox. The Lyrid meteor shower
peaks Monday night, but will be difficult to see because of the moonlight.
Congratulations to the NY Rangers who advanced to the next round of playoffs!
Did you know there are dogs serving our country? Bo is truly man's best friend...
Sweet music to you,
Real women ride motorcycles
April 12, 2008, 12:46 am
...is what it says on a t-shirt I picked up for $3 today.
Believe it or not it's for a Harley-themed bridal shower I'm going to
next weekend--how could I resist?
'Tis the season of two-wheeled travel so please be safe if you live to ride.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Will King and heard the song Come on in from the Cold,
from his album of the same title. Will mentioned that he has a YouTube channel
that you can check out at his website www.willkingmusic.com. He'll be performing
live at Coffee Labs Roasters @ 7 Main Street in Tarrytown on Friday, April 18th @ 8pm.
Be sure to click the "pathways to freedom" button at his site and be moved by the song
he talked about called Edmund Pettus Bridge http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_2fsdEa1Dcg.
It's a powerful tribute Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose truth is marching on...
Turn it up and sing with your flashback weekend on WHUD!
Abundant peace,
Is love really like a Jane Austen novel?
April 5, 2008, 12:29 am
...she could certainly write about some of our dedications tonight...happily ever
after exists in the lives of our WHUD listeners.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Ray LaBella and heard the song
All That We Could Be from his band Sidetrax. You can find it on the album titled
The Simple Life. To hear more and find out where Sidetrax will be performing, check out
My sister Joann is a teacher and sent me the following link so we can feed the world
and expand our vocabulary at the same time: www.freerice.com.
Tina Turner and the late Ike Turner really got things 'rolling' for us tonight,
so in case you missed it, and you feel like donning your best shimmy dress and
ruling your personal dancefloor with something "nice and easy..."
Thanks for enjoying the Night Rhythms with us!
Dance with love,
[ more.. ]
by CatherineM in General
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Blog restoration project...
May 21, 2009, 1:17 am
Gene Kelly has a smile on his face...
March 8, 2008, 1:28 am
...'cause he's singin' and dancin' in the rain
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Johanna
and listened to her song Budootndweedleedotn (say that five times
fast, I dare ya) and it's from her CD ...Why Would I Sing. Johanna
said she appreciates feedback about her songs and you can check out
her website for the upcoming shows we mentioned: http://www.johannamusic.net/
or swing by her space at www.myspace.com/johannagoodtunes
including Station 7 in Cortlandt Manor on 3/14 or her CD promo party
at The Bayou in Mount Vernon on 3/29.
Did you get your Girl Scout cookies yet? You can send some to a soldier at
I was reminded today of one of my favorite books--The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,
in which we learn:
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.
And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams."
Watch for the WHUD Family Fun Crew at the White Plains and Mahopac
St. Patrick's Day parades...Éire go brách!
May the Flashback Weekend force be with you,
Stepping out of the comfort zone...
March 1, 2008, 2:41 am
...is good for the soul, and my plan for this weekend...stay tuned for details. How about you?
There must have been snowflakes in my brain tonight, because I completely forgot to
share "words" with you, so I'll post here:
The Snow that never drifts --
The transient, fragrant snow
That comes a single time a Year
Is softly driving now --
So thorough in the Tree
At night beneath the star
That it was February's Foot
Experience would swear --
Like Winter as a Face
We stern and former knew
Repaired of all but Loneliness
By Nature's Alibit --
Were every storm so spice
The Value could not be --
We buy with contrast -- Pang is good
As near as memory --
~ Emily Dickinson
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Tony nominee (for She Loves Me)
Sally Mayes, who can count fun storyteller among her talents.
The song we heard is by Westchester resident, Julie Gold and it's called Southbound Train,
from Sally's CD titled Story Hour. Sally has been involved with numerous cast recordings
and has put out several of her own albums which you can learn more about at
http://www.sallymayes.net. I believe there is a Tony award in Sally Mayes' future...
Hope to see you at WHUD's Dream Wedding Showcase at The Hollow Brook Golf Club in
Cortlandt Manor this Sunday!
All good sounds to you,
Kermit the Frog may not have won an Oscar yet...
February 23, 2008, 2:17 am
...but he sure plays a mean banjo! Who needs a red carpet when you have a lily pad?
This is quite possibly my favorite Oscar nominated song of all time:
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Sean Cox and heard his
fantastic song Electricity, found on his album Return To Me. Hear more of Sean's
music and check out his live dates, including a CD release party on Saturday, April 19th
at The Bitter End in NYC at http://www.seancox.com or www.myspace.com/acousticsean
Hope you enjoyed the movie tunes this week and thanks for your great ideas!
Part of my snowy Friday was spent seeing the new film Vantage Point: intense,
great cast, worth checking out if you're in the mood for some action.
I'm rooting for Atonement at this year's Oscars....wish they nominated
Across The Universe for Best Picture--that's a movie to own.
I guess our full snow moon on Wednesday lived up to it's reputation--hope you caught some
of the lunar eclipse and have snow angel plans this weekend.
Here's lookin' at you, kid...
Imagine being in a room with 'Honest Abe...'
February 16, 2008, 1:38 am
Clearly our 16th president had a great sense of humor since he's the guy who said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Anna Nyakana and heard her
song My Beloved from her self-titled album. Anna has a show this Sunday at
Piano’s (upstairs lounge) 158 Ludlow Street, NYC and you can find out about the
Reggae for Darfur show she mentioned and hear more of Anna's music at http://www.annanyakana.com or www.myspace.com/annanyakana.
Wherever life takes you this weekend, hope it involves satisfying scenery...it'll be spring before
we know it...
Flowers and Valentine love to you,
Flamenco Ole!
February 10, 2008, 6:43 pm
Boy was that a dynamite show today at the Paramount in Peekskill... what better way to warm
up on a cold winter's day than with the sound of the guitar, singing, dancing, clapping, stamping
and beautiful colors of Flamenco Ole!?!?! If you were there, you're probably still clapping,
or thinking of joining a Flamenco dance class. (save me a spot)
Happy Birthday to Alicia from Croton, who celebrated at The Paramount with Flamenco music!
Just a week ago, we watched the NY Giants dance to Superbowl XLII victory...giving us yet
another reason to love New York! And did you catch some of Puppybowl IV on
Animal Planet? Congratulations to "Action Jackson" the Westie who won MVP of the game.
Friday night in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Kathleen Pemble
and heard her touching tribute to her firefighter loved ones, Engine 73 (There For You),
a song that can be found on her CD Learning To Listen Again. Hear more of
Kathleen's music and find out about her upcoming performances, at http://www.kathleenpemble.com
including one this week:
Antoinette's Patisserie -Valentines Day- the AFTERMATH
Friday, February 15th
7:00 - 10:00pm
417 Warburton Ave.
Hastings on Hudson NY 10706
RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED: e-mail goodverse@aol.com
Kathleen also shares her musical gift with children, check out http://www.kidslovenotes.com
and she has adult music groups too. Hearing Engine 73 was a good reminder
to keep in our prayers the families of those who lost loved ones on 9/11/01 and all who
honored them by working at the site in the days that followed. We will never forget...
Peace in music,
Helping a friend...
February 2, 2008, 1:22 am
...is what the folks at McDonald's on Rte. 376 in Hopewell Junction are
doing with their "376 Fund." If you heard the news, you're probably aware
of the tragic accident in East Fishkill this morning that claimed the lives of 3 people,
including a child. www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080201/NEWS04/802010442
There are four locations where they are collecting canned goods and cash donations
for the family, including McDonald's on Rte. 376, also the Route 9 locations
in Fishkill and Wappingers and even the one inside Wal-Mart on Route 9 and
Merritt Blvd.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Lara Herscovitch
and played her song Another Year that you can find on her CD
titled Juror Number 13. Check out her calendar of performances and
hear more of Lara's songs at http://www.laraherscovitch.com
You may love Ddembe too, the song she shared is written from
the sound of a bird she encountered in Uganda...it will make you smile
and the tune will linger in your head...
Enjoy Superbowl XLII!
Love to our troops who don't get to watch the game on their favorite sofa...
Hoping for a Giants victory,
The next best thing to being at a concert...
January 26, 2008, 1:53 am
...just might be the 3-D experience of it. Been too long since
I've been to a show, so I'm so looking forward to this weekend
because I'll be checking out U23D! http://www.u23dmovie.com
Hope you, too have weekend plans to satisfy your music soul.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we met Josh Bell
and listened to his song Stuck in Frost, which you can find along
with more of his music at:
Thanks, Debbie in Cortlandt Manor for giving us a reason to play At Last tonight.
Happy Birthday to legend of song Etta James!
Was there really an existence before YouTube?
Check out these screen legends beautifully coreographed to the song:
Enjoy the scenery,
Making the world a better place...
January 19, 2008, 2:03 am
...is something John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting is doing and it's interactive,
as we mentioned on the air, check out:
http://www.whatkindofworlddoyouwant.com and be moved and inspired...
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Julie Corbalis, who
will be making the world a better place by playing at a silent auction to benefit a
local women's shelter at the Carmel Firehouse on February 9th...stop by.
Her band is Jules and The Family and the song we played is called Maybe I Said
from their CD titled Border Radio. Hear more at http://www.julesandthefamily.com
or surf over to www.myspace.com/julesandthefamily
BTW, really cool cover art on the CD.
One more person to acknowledge, because he had a dream about making the
world a better place...Martin Luther King, Jr. who said many great things, including:
"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better."
Happy Flashback Weekend to you!
Peace is where you are...
What a TV reality this was...
January 12, 2008, 12:34 am
Feeling a little winter blue? Miss new episodes of your shows because of the writers' strike?
It's not exactly Halloween, but check out this vintage clip--and watch until the end--you'll hear Boris Karloff sing!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jennifer Heieck
whose music can be heard at http://www.jenniferheieck.com.
The song we listened to is called Return to Forever, by Jeff Hapoienu.
He has a free copy of the song for you if you e-mail Jeff at jeffssongs@live.com
or use this link www.web.mac.com/jhapoienu.
As we mentioned on the air, a sad day in our WHUD family as we mourn the loss
today of Gary "The Z Man" Zoehfeld. Heartfelt condolences to everyone who loved him.
I didn't know Gary for long, but he was a man who made you feel like a friend
from the moment you met him...
Peaceful weekend to you,
Jimi Hendrix said...
January 5, 2008, 12:27 am
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
How about that Jimi Hendrix?
Thanks for a beautiful beginning of 2008 with your amazing requests!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Michael Nappi, who shared that
he grew up in Lake Carmel...and we had a few calls from some of his old friends.
We listened to Michael's song Gone from his CD Here We Go Again.
Check out more of Michael's music and find out where you can hear him play live
at http://www.michaelnappi.com.
My handsome nephew Joshua turned one today--Happy Birthday, love!
Good to be at the beginning with you...
Sweet dreams,
December 29, 2007, 12:43 am
Here we are at the end of 2007...a moment ago, it seems, we were
dancing to the Prince tune 1999 wondering what the new millenium
would be like Hope you're still dancing and that your journey
has been fulfilling.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Abbie Gardner
and listened to her song One Love from her CD Honey On My Grave.
Stop by http://www.abbiegardner.com to hear more of her music, and
if you're a performer too, check out the open mic link. Abbie also mentioned
her band Red Molly http://www.redmolly.com--they've got a New Year's
Eve show in Asbury Park, NJ if you haven't made plans.
Thanks for a blissful 2007 of Night Rhythms...we look forward to more brilliant
requests in 2008...
So many ways to say it:
Xin Nian Kuai Le Bonne Annee Selamat Tahun Baru Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Felice anno nuovo Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu Laimingu Naujuju Metu
Manigong Bagong Taon GOTT NYTT ÅR! Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
NEWROZ PIROZBE Szczesliwego Nowego Roku L'Shannah Tovah Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Happy New Year!!!
Peace to you,
Joy to you!
December 22, 2007, 3:02 am
Our winter solstice has arrived and Christmas is almost here...
Thank you for sharing your holiday season with us and your love
of the songs that make this time of year so unique and glorious!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we checked in with Matt Turk
and listened to his recent recording with Matter and Gaby Moreno
of the classic holiday tune God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
Find it on the soundtrack of the film Fred Claus (a collection of gems)
or you can download the song at i-Tunes.
Hear more of Matt's music and find out where he'll be playing at
http://www.turktunes.com or for a list of performances with
Fred Gillen, Jr. visit http://www.gillenandturk.com.
***keep an ear out for them when you're riding the subway at Union Square or 125th & 8th***
We've heard from many of you expressing appreciation for our troops and
their sacrifice of holidays at home--our love to their families and friends too.
Send some love at http://www.letssaythanks.com
We ran out of time tonight, so my favorite holiday song you'll have to
check out here:
The peace and light of Christmas from my heart to yours,
A white Christmas doesn't have to be a dream...
December 15, 2007, 10:30 am
...and we are merrily on our way!
Mother nature waits for no solstice, winter weather is ours.
If you love The Drifters' version of White Christmas, check out what Liz sent us:
Tonight in our Huson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jon Preddice
from the musical ensemble Miles To Dayton. We listened to the song
Simple Plans from their album Rise.
Hope you enjoyed the summer trip to the Adirondacks in that tune.
Hear more of the sounds of Miles to Dayton at http://www.milestodayton.net.
If you're still hoping to win a copy of Josh Groban's Noel,
his Christmas album with The London Symphony Orchestra, tune in all
next week because Reprise Records filled our sleigh for you!
A wintry mix is best watched from a window--be safe this weekend.
Happy sounds,
Meet you in Middletown in less than 10 hours...
December 8, 2007, 12:45 am
Have you made a snow angel yet? Go ahead...no age limit.
I hope to see you tomorrow at Toys R Us in Middletown from 10-1--please bring a new
unwrapped toy or make a cash donation if you like, to support our Toys For Tots
campaign. Mike Bennett will be at the Eisenhower Hall Theatre performance of Annie
this Saturday night at 7pm, where you can drop off toys too!
Thanks so much for your help in spreading love to children
in Westchester and the Hudson Valley this holiday season.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we heard the stirring song
Man On The Moon, by Mario Spinetti from his self-titled EP.
It felt appropriate to listen to the Taps melody on this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
Hear more of Mario's music, including his song Delirious, which was
featured on the Fox show So You Think You Can Dance, at www.myspace.com/mariospinetti.
If you've heard the Josh Groban version of I'll Be Home For Christmas
that pays tribute to our men and women in uniform who are far from home this
holiday season, that song is on his new CD titled Noel and we'll have your chance
to win a copy all next week.
Abundance to you,
Happy 40th Anniversary...
December 1, 2007, 12:25 am
...to my parents, celebrating this Sunday...where the weather will be much
warmer because they're in Florida! Enjoy your day in the sunshine
(We played Elvis "Blue Christmas" for you tonight)
The big tree in Rockefeller Center is lit...the store windows are merrily adorned...
and so are lots of homes in our neighborhoods. What's more wonderful than
New York for the holiday season? Relish it!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Renee Dunaway from
the duo Jetsetter. The song we listened to is called A Thousand Dreams
from the CD Vasoverga. Hear more Jetsetter music at http://www.gojetsetter.com.
We look forward to hearing your holiday thoughts and memories...and you
might be our next winner of Dave Koz' new CD Memories of a Winter's Night next week.
Bliss & music,
Ready, set...shop!
November 24, 2007, 12:32 am
Hope your Thanksgiving was sweetly memorable and you find fantastic bargains and unexpected treasures this weekend!
If you're planning to enjoy Cold Spring by Candlelight, please stop by The Pig Hill Inn on Main Street.
I will be there this Saturday from 3-4pm reading holiday stories by the fire and waiting for Santa to arrive!
(for kids age 1-110 : )
Tonight in our *holiday* Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight,
we met The Uncle Brothers--Danny Quinn and Tommy Gardner, who just released
their family holiday CD Mooseltoe, and the song we heard is called Kris The Merry Moose
with the message: "You're someone in whom you can believe." Don't you love that?
Find out more about the assembly programs and performances Tom and Danny mentioned
and hear more of their fun music at http://www.unclebrothers.com.
Enjoy the sounds of the season...
Peace & music,
Put a smile on the face of a child...
November 17, 2007, 12:33 am
Hope you'll stop by and see Tom Furci at Toys R Us in Jefferson Valley, this Saturday
from 10-1. Please bring a new unwrapped toy or make a cash donation --whatever
you can manage--your generosity will benefit children right here in Westchester and
the Hudson Valley. Thanks for supporting our Toys for Tots campaign!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Steve Chizmadia and heard
his song New York Moon...with a little southern flavor from a Cajun triangle!
Steve's CD is titled: It Is What It Is and you can hear more of his music
at www.myspace.com/stevechizmadia and catch him live next
weekend at Banjo Jim's on Ave. C in NYC, Sunday 11/25 @ 7pm.
A reminder tonight, as we prepare for our Thanksgiving gatherings--to think of our
troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world...Mike in Mahopac is headed to Iraq in
January--be safe and be well, Mike.
Organizations that offer means of showing your support for our troops
or assist wounded servicemembers and their families include:
Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
Happiness need not be in moderation,
November 10, 2007, 12:29 am
...are neat flowers that have special meaning to our American Veterans:
The VFW conducted its first poppy distribution before Memorial Day in 1922, becoming the first veterans' organization to organize a nationwide distribution. The poppy soon was adopted as the official memorial flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Today, VFW Buddy Poppies are still assembled by disabled and needy veterans in VA Hospitals.
Thank you, to our Veterans!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Patrick Fitzsimmons
and heard the song Dance, from his CD Live 2005 The Birthday Shows.
Hear more of Patrick's music and find out where he'll be playing at
If you or somoene you know is a musician who would like to be featured in our spotlight,
send a CD to:
Catherine Michaels
P.O. Box 188
Peekskill, NY 10567
or e-mail me a link or MP3.
Bliss and music,
What's better than hearing new music? Meet Dana Parish...
October 29, 2007, 11:34 pm
Has it been a while since you had a road trip? Too long for me, so I hit the trail this Friday
for New Hampshire...can only imagine the stunning leaves...
Tonight in our New Music Preview we enjoyed a chat with Dana Parish, who stopped
by our WHUD studios and even sang her song for us... Thank you, Dana!
It's called Not My Problem and it's the first single from Dana's new album Uncrushed,
arriving in February 2008. Hear more of her music at www.myspace.com/danaparish.
Thanks to Randy, our engineer.
It was great to meet our very creative WHUD listeners at the Monster Mash on Saturday.
Hope your Halloween is spooky gruesome fun!
Travel light,
Thank you, Elizabeth Gilbert!
October 26, 2007, 11:38 pm
Have you heard about the book Eat Pray Love? It's the story of Elizabeth Gilbert's
sort of spiritual journey...and a wonderful read. Today my favorite piece of wisdom that
she shares in the book is:
"All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop." ~Kabir
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Jim Linehan and
heard his song Miss U from his album J007. Learn more about Jim
and his live shows and hear more of his music at www.jimlinehan.com
Thanks for the sweet requests and dedications tonight!
See you on the dancefloor at our WHUD Halloween Monster Mash tomorrow night...
Be well,
Meteors and ladybugs...
October 19, 2007, 11:33 pm
Hope you spend some time looking up to the night sky this weekend. Our earth
passes through the debris of the famous comet Halley--and the Orionid meteor shower
is providing a great free show, best viewed between midnight and dawn.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Mack Bailey, from the
harmonious trio The Limeliters. We heard the song Right From The Start
from their album of the same title. Hear more fun sounds from The Limeliters
at http://www.limeliters.com and check them out live at the Town Crier in Pawling
this Sunday http://www.townecrier.com.
Just a few things I read about ladybugs...after my encounter with a lovely one this week:
There are male and female ladybugs.
Over 500 kinds of ladybugs in the U.S., 5,000 worldwide!
Ladybugs hibernate in groups and they are attracted to light colored houses
(no idea why, but thought that was neat)
I have no research to back this up, but I'm sure that ladybugs love it when we have
a flashback weekend on WHUD--hope you do too!
Peace and music,
Please move your muffins...
October 12, 2007, 11:22 pm
...is what the self checkout scanner says to me when I'm at the supermarket paying
for my muffin. Isn't that amusing? Does it make you want to dance?
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Maritza Forero and played her song
Lonely Man with that great Spanish guitar sound. (had us movin' our muffins in the studio)
Find out more about Maritza's work and hear songs from her CD A Painted World
at her website http://www.maritzaforero.com
Whatever you experience this weekend, hope it's memorable!
Bravo to the walkers and runners stepping out for great causes.
Peace and music,
Three Ships...
October 5, 2007, 11:35 pm
Remember learning that Columbus set sail with the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria?
And there was probably a craft involved in that lesson.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Tracy Delucia and heard her song
Miracles Begin from her CD In The Moment. Hear more of Tracy's songs and
find out where she'll be performing at her website http://www.tracydelucia.com.
As I mentioned tonight, I am superstitious about saying "Yankees" on the air,
but here I can say it loud...GO YANKEES!!
ok, we're two games behind, but is that really unfamiliar territory?
May your weekend sail along happily.
Find the rhythm...
September 28, 2007, 11:46 pm
wow...just found this really excellent Goethe quotation...
“Freedom consists not in refusing to recognize anything above us, but in respecting something which is above us; for by respecting it, we raise ourselves to it, and, by our very acknowledgment, prove that we bear within ourselves what is higher, and are worthy to be on a level with it.”
We can ponder that over the weekend....hope yours is memorable!
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Lauren Orlando and heard
her sing Help, Hold, Teach, Show, written by Leif Giordano. Hear more
of Lauren's songs at http://preferredmoviesinc.com then click on
Preferred Entertainment.
Yankees fans are looking forward to the post season with a grin...Mets fans--keep the faith!
Bliss until we meet in October,
Arrivederci to summer 2007...
September 21, 2007, 11:28 pm
Can you picture Bugs Bunny waving and saying arrivederci? No idea why that image
comes to mind....guess it's in the cartoon recesses of the brain.
I'm sure you've already noticed the signs of mother nature's paintbrush
as we enter the breathtaking season of autumn.
A few drops of summer left in our weather--hope you find it invigorating.
Tonight in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight we met Michael DeLorenzo and heard
his fab song Rescue Me, which probably had you dancing. Hear more of Michael's
music from his CD, also titled Rescue Me, by surfing over to
www.myspace.com/michaeldelorenzo where you can also learn
more about his work as an actor and dancer.
Wherever you may roam, enjoy the flashback weekend on WHUD!
Bliss in abundance,
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