Sunday, July 5, 2009

The big 233rd birthday block party...

...ran from Chelsea to the Upper West Side this year, and what a spectacular show! A glorious weekend, weather-wise and ideal for skating from around 1oth St. along the West Side Highway down through Battery Park and over to the South Street Seaport. I waved to the Statue of Liberty, Libertyalong the way, whose crown reopened to the public this weekend. The vantage point for this brief video is near 70th St. A balmy and gorgeous night on the waterfront, and a fabulous crowd! Hats off to 'NY's finest' for a helpful and extensive presence in blue. Macy's sure did deliver on the promise of a fantastic show.

Without a doubt, it was a great night of music with Mestengo, at the Reservoir Inn in Hurley on Saturday night. We met Dave Kearney in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight this week, and heard his beautiful song Home is Where the Heart Is. Dave is currently in the studio working on his album, along with his musical partner Elly Wininger. Together they are the duo, Mestengo. They play regularly at Alchemy in Woodstock. Hear more of their music and find out when & where to check out Mestengo live at Dave's space and visit Elly here. Dave shared that Mestengo's name is a word that means wild and free...

If you're a fan of Sam Rockwell and Sci-Fi, add the film Moon to your list. It's directed by David Bowie's son, Duncan Jones, and is thought provoking about our planet's future, and simply stellar could say lunar, too. : )

Whatever you're up to this July 4th weekend, hope it's exactly what you've been needing. Love and gratitude to our troops, whose work never stops. There's a tenacity in this Kenny Rogers song that seems ideal for this weekend:

The Greatest

Freedom's in the music,

Catherine Kitty 2

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