Saturday, October 24, 2009


You get 12 or more Scrabble points if you can put together the word rumination, it's root the name of the 13th Century Sufi mystic, Jalalud'din Rumi. A more contemporary writer and philosopher, Paulo Coelho posted part of this on FB today:

The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along.

(From Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks)

Lovers of words admire lovers of words. : ) If you haven't read Paulo's book, The Alchemist, please add it to your rainy day reading. Some writers simply have a way of transforming your outlook--at times with a single sentence. Don't you LOVE that?

This week in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we caught up with The Rhodes.

David and Vince shared one of their new songs with us, How Long, that's available for a listen at their space along with their cool new song All You've Got To Do. Tonight they perform @ Keegan Ales in Kingston @ 11pm, and you can find out where they're live next by checking out the calendar including Halloween fun next Friday, 10/30 @ Bowery Poetry Club in Manhattan.

Thanks to Karen, who I've known since the days of making music on a swingset in the backyard, for the reminder of this delicious kind of wishes away the rain today and we can dedicate it to our NY Yankees!

Know love,

Catherine Kitty 2

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