Friday, February 12, 2010

Just enough snow...

We didn't get as much accumulation as predicted this week, but hope you enjoyed the slow down for a day. Are you a geek for snow writing too? Eventually it melts, but the intention remains.

Writing, composing and sharing songs and stages seems to be the 'fuel' that feeds the band Hope Machine. Last night we caught up with Fred Gillen, Jr. who shared that the band name comes from a Woody Guthrie observation that we are 'hoping machines.' That's a good piece of pie to ponder... We listened to the song Sundancer, from the album Big Green.

Hope Machine is in the line up at 'Open Your Heart for Haiti,' a benefit for Doctors Without Borders, providing help in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake. The event is this Sunday @ 1pm at the Towne Crier Cafe in Pawling. Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, which is certainly found in the community spirit of sharing music.

Since the foundation of Hope Machine is cemented in Woody Guthrie songs, seems ideal to share one here...nothing to contemplate about this one, he's just having fun!

Live music tonight with T-Jay in studio @ 10pm!
Drive, sing & buzz,
Catherine Kitty 2

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