An Indian legend tells of a man who carried water to his village every day, in two large jars tied to the ends of a wooden pole, which he balanced on his back. One of the jars was older than the other, and had some small cracks; every time the man covered the distance to his house, half of the water was lost.
For two years, the man made the same journey. The younger jar was always very proud of its performance, safe in the knowledge that it was up to the mission it had been made for, while the other jar was mortified with shame at only fulfilling half of its allotted task, even though it knew that those cracks were the result of many years of hard work.
It was so ashamed that one day, while the man got ready to fetch water from the well, it decided to speak to him:
"When we return, observe carefully the path."
And so it did. And the jar noticed that, on its side, many flowers and plants grew.
"See how nature is more lovely on your side?" commented the man. "I always knew you were cracked, and decided to make use of this fact. I planted flowers and vegetables, and you have always watered them. I have picked many roses to decorate my house with, I have fed my children with lettuce, cabbage and onions. If you were not as you are, how could I have done that?"
I loved reading that story as we celebrate our country this weekend...there's a song in there somewhere...
This week in our Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight, we caught up with storyteller and singer/songwriter, Marc Black. Can't remember the last time I laughed so hard in an interview. : ) We listened to his beautiful song, The Moon Whispered, from his new album titled Pictures of the Highway, that he dedicates to his father.
Undoubtedly, what Marc shares between songs will be as entertaining as his music, and you can catch him live @ the Towne Crier Cafe in Pawling on Saturday, July 24th @ 9pm. Be sure to check out the videos at Marc's web abode--especially the Junkyard Jam! Brilliant, and it might change your perspective about the hot weather this weekend. ; ) Find the Mets tribute he mentioned, and if you are someone who is loyal to the beans of life, you'll dig Ooh I Love My Coffee here.
Watching this Ben Harper video kind of reminds me of the spirit that defines our country...
Be like the eagle,
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